15 month old grandson has outgrown every carseat they have at Target and Kmart that is supposed to be suitable for up to age 4 - the shoulder straps are no longer high enough for him.
He is not old enough until he is 4 to go into a booster seat that does not have a built-in 5 point harness, so our options are extremely limited (and bl***y expensive.)
BigW has Cargo booster seat with a built in harness which will give us a little extra height for a couple of years, but at over $300 it's already heading into big money for a seat that's only for Nan's car anyway, so we may as well pay a little more for one that is guaranteed to see him through until he's at least 6. (Must be AHR model please -Adjustable Head Rest- in order to achieve this.)
They sell for around the $500 mark, but are available for RACQ members for $448. I'd really like to get this down a whole lot more if at all possible. It's an aweful lot of money for something that is not going to get daily use.
(I've noticed quite a few for sale on Ebay, but sadly all in Melbourne, with local pickup only, and we're in Qld.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Got it down to $407 ($360 + shipping) at babiesonline ….. can anyone find better please? $47 for freight is the killer.
and $399 with free shipping at babyshopdirect …. slightly better, but still a lot of money