Framed Disassembled iPhone 4S/Samsung Galaxy S3/ BlackBerry Bold 9900
Was $99.99
US $70.99 with discount coupon @ Lululook
Code Summer20
Framed Disassembled iPhone 4S/Samsung Galaxy S3/ BlackBerry Bold 9900
Was $99.99
US $70.99 with discount coupon @ Lululook
Code Summer20
"…to make good moments last longer…"
It would be better if the technology lasted longer.
Look on the bright side, at least these aren't going into landfill.
They have to be donated to an op shop a couple of times before going to landfill.
For people who choose to let their phone brand define their personality…
An Apple a day…
Wow, you're trying to sell a piece of paper and a shitty wooden frame for $100 and calling it a deal. This is a sick joke right? A broken PSP 1000 costs nothing on eBay. For $99 I expect the dead console too.
but you get the blueprint to put your existing psp on it!!
If they manage to sell these, they are legends!
Clickbait title.
Should read "BYO Device".
No, some of the frames have the device already disassembled in the frame
Could just use iFixit pics off their website 😂
Perfect for when work demands you have a phone, but you don't want to take calls out of hours.
OP are these photos of the parts, or the actual parts?
If it's the actual parts in the frame, it's actually something quite nice.
it's the actual parts in a shadow box.
I had been eyeing the Gameboy Pocket, but for $240AUD - I may aswell make it myself
Only some are the actual parts some others aren't including the parts
Yes but that is advertised pretty clearly. Where the parts are not visible, its not including the parts.
Either way $100 for a print of where to put the parts is also pretty over the top.
I believe these are parts.
Time to take apart my phone 7 … just need to get a frame.
Shameless clones are not new unfortunately…
There's a reason why there's no Nokia 3310 version of this. :)
Uhh why?
3310 never breaks ¡
They are trying to make their old broken phones have more value than they do
One of these would be nice for the tech repair area of the garage, though I don't like that they misspelt "receiver" on the iPhone 4S print! :D
EDIT: oh and if it included the actual parts, and not just some printed cardboard and a frame. lol
"Was $99.99" I call BS anyone ever bought at that price, not a deal, free advertising
Save from $70?
What’s the price, mate?