• long running

[Prime, Hack] $0 International Expedited Delivery on Prime Eligible Items from Amazon US/UK (No Min Spend, Was $49) @ Amazon AU

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

I noticed this little trick to get free international delivery being discussed again in the It Takes Two deal, and realised I haven't seen it posted as a deal before so I thought I'd post one.

It's been known for a while now to some, but for those who don't know what to do, simply add a different item (or multiple) sold by Amazon US or UK to your cart to hit the $49 minimum spend and place your order, then cancel those items and you'll still get free shipping for the item/s you want.

Amazon US store

Amazon UK store

Mod: The OP has asked us to remove the deal, due to the reception it has received from some members. However we have kept it published, as it appears to be of benefit to many. Thanks

Related Stores

Amazon AU
Amazon AU
Amazon Global Store
Amazon Global Store


  • +2

    Non deal

  • +3

    Teacher, you forgot to give us homework.

    bezos noises

  • +5

    I think this should be taken down, mods or at the very least moved to the forum.

  • The few times I have ordered from US/UK the items were all shipped separately anyway. And they were small items.

  • +5

    Not really a 'deal' but it's no worse than pretending to be in Argentina for YouTube Premium, and that was a hugely popular 'deal'.

    • Yet in the past you have urged people to cancel a S&S deal to rourt the system. No different.

      • +3

        Amazon gives you the option of cancelling your S&S with reason "I just wanted the initial discount". Do they give you that option when using this hack?

  • +3

    I just order something that will be in stock "in a few months" to get free shipping. Then I cancel it later in. Works great.

    • Wow you can do that without prime

  • +1

    Thanks, I didn't know that

  • OOS

  • +8

    To all those that Neg. how is this any different to doing S&S and then cancelling??

    • +1

      Common Occasional Conscience Syndrome

    • +1

      In the cancellation of S&S they have the reason of you only wanting the first.

      • +2

        That doesn't make sense.

        The discount for S & S is there to encourage you to buy their product on repeat to make the discount worthwhile.

        The $49 threshold for international is there to encourage to buy that much product to make the shipping worthwhile.

        Am I missing something?

      • yeah and people will get sick of cancelling all the S&S's if you have too many going.
        Handy when you do want to reorder but half the time the item isn't cheap when that time rolls around so you end up creating a new one anyway.

  • +11

    Thanks OP given all the negs of people concerned, I've referred this deal to an Amazon rep. Hope they can sort it out to make everyone here happy again! ❤️❤️

  • +2

    Over 100 are worried 😂

    • +1

      …good to see the ozb community so concerned about ethics /s

  • Ding dong

  • +3

    this is not a deal, free international postage on $49 is a pretty good offer, don't ruin it all :(

  • What did I say somewhere maybe if all the negs didn't do it . This would be lost somewhere in 10 hit land lol :)
    Is it still on the main page negs guys ?

    • A 167+ deal lost in 10 hit land? Logic

  • +2

    Posts like this ruin it for everyone. Not that I've used it yet, but i might want to

  • +2

    Wow, first time seeing a deal with over 100 plus and 100 minus at the same time, and the ozbargain algorithm doesn't post on the main page if lots of neg???

    • -1

      I think live is the hottest page and that where all the action of this is gathering hehe .

      • Or the first post that divides the opinion of ozbargainers…

      • Still more positive than neg, positive are winning. Could the fate of this post change half time… or should I say the tribe has spoken…

    • This is like the American election with the over 100 plus and 100 minus at the same time. Lol

  • +2

    This turns out to be a Meme deal post of OZB in 2021 :)

    • -1

      It's called traffic bro, this is their #1 post right now

  • Damn it, I’ve run out of pop corn following this post, maybe I should order some from the US before this gets fixed haha…

  • No cashback offer? No deal

  • +1

    BTW, I don't know about this trick and I have never ordered from Amazon from Aus or oversea, often I find the same product that I see is cheaper on ebay or aliexpress etc. If I want something with return, I just buy from a shop with a physical store like JB hi fi etc.

  • +1

    Remove this post please! Jeff Bezos doesnt care about you or his employees!

    • Jeff Bezos doesn't care about anything, just look at his GIANT DILDO rocket he rode to the edge of space on. Lol

  • +5

    I guess most are now onto the next shiny deal and won’t see this comment but I’m sad to see the level of vitriol at the OP. They thought it was a deal, so what? Downvote it and state your reason. So many keyboard warriors commenting and directly stating or implying that the OP is silly or stupid for posting this (or not already knowing about it), they must feel pretty crap right about now. Not very inclusive of us as a community.

    • -1

      Certainly agree, from the years I have been using this site, I have and I am sure you did witness the beauty and the ugliness of this community forum which is a reflection of the current society. There is someone who suggested in another post not to post deal to make a secret, that comment got neg (as it sounded politically incorrect or ozbargainers incorrect). But now op post something to benefit everyone, now he got so many neg, probably affected too many ozbarginers doing business. The fact the moderators did not shut down this post is an vindication.

  • I know this is not the perfect analogy, does this story resonate with this post? https://gizmodo.com/did-pythagoras-really-murder-a-guy-14606…

  • +3

    Pretty obvious that Amazon already know about this. Dont get your panties in a twist people.

    • +1

      Exactly, the most sophisticated and profitable ecommerce company in history and people are clutching the pearls thinking they are going to miss out on income!

      There is not a single click on the Amazon website that isn't analysed. They 100% know that this is a loophole that people use and they've obviously calculated that they still make money whilst letting it happen. Adorably naive to think otherwise .

      • +1

        It's not anymore naive than to think they don't have a threshold for when they consider the number of exploits to no longer be acceptable and make a change. I hope it's a high threshold, but i've seen this sort of thing before.

      • …and yet, their search. It still sucks like an Electrolux :|

    • Amazon is looking at their bottom line, so probably that didn't affect or probably improved the bottom line.

  • +2

    not a deal, belongs to forums.

  • +1

    Deal in or no deal………. NO DEAL

  • +4

    Small business obviously wrongly prices something? Small business provides free samples obviously directed to a niche market or small customer base? Ozb swarm in like locusts and destroy the small business. "Thanks OP." Business amends the deal? Ozb says "Unfair! Boycott!"

    Billionaires who get free advertising on Ozb every day have en exploit in their money making machine that they'll barely feel? Ozb cry "That's unethical" even though they've been doing it on the sly. Amazon removes the exploit? Ozb says "Fair enough, it's been exploited too much."

    • +7

      its not about ethics….the negs just dont want to lose 'their' hack ;)

      • +3

        100% agree

    • Nicely summarised.

    • +1

      i just want to point out,
      1) amazon has always been screwing their small business base and their warehouse workers…. this is old news

      2) billionaires don't become billionaires by taking the hit for a 'hack', my take is, it's likely it would flow down to the businesses that got their orders cancelled.

      3) IMO, if anyone want to exploit something for their own gain, any excuse is a good excuse.

      humans are great at being righteous and hypocritical at the same time.

      • which one are you? the righteous or the hypocrite?

        • self awareness is a virtue. what about you?

          • +1

            @slowmo: you are not really answering the question, may be you cant.. in terms of self awareness, basically I have the ability to distinguish between my beliefs/views and others, but then again there is a thing called fairness and decency, so many selfish people downvoting this and getting angry simply because of short sightedness, at the end no one hugely benefits by saving a few bucks in postage cost but the way some people behave in this forum is simply childish and stupid. but I have to admit its fun to watch.

  • +3

    Exploits on shipping should not be considered a deal in my opinion, at least not if we want it to remain. It should remain in forum. If you don't think there is a threshold for Amazon giving a toot to prioritize changing it you're in fantasy land. I've seen this sort of thing in the workplace at companies many times, they would know about it and have metrics on it. If it gets out of hand they simply prioritize closing it.

  • +1

    Good grief, who would post this??

    • +1

      Worse than the ones calling up supplier to enquire about price errors.

  • +2

    thanks for getting this cancelled OP

  • +2

    One of the highest neg deal? Please take this down

    • +1

      you still cant beat the upvotes haha

  • +3

    op should get the deal of the month award …love it when ozbargainers lose their shit over a couple bucks!

  • Bye bye Amazon Prime hack, was good knowing you

  • +5

    This post is already toxic enough. Just delete it already

  • +2

    Am I the only one who didn't know about this 'hack'? Also it's not going to get cancelled, amazon doesnt give a rats arse about shipping they have that pretty much covered, the people complaining about this getting too much traction are the same ones getting one pack of tim tams delivered.

    • You are not the only one, I don't know it. Will I use it? If I even remember when the time come. I never ordered from Amazon. Mostly ordering from Ebay and other shops.

  • +3

    since this amazon hack is so popular…heres some more free shipping amazon hacks :D

    Free shipping if you spend $25+: For orders of $25 or more you’ll score free shipping. Some items aren’t included in this deal, like third-party products as well as those offered in Prime Pantry. One hack: Put stuff in your cart over time, but only checkout once the total has hit the $25 threshold.

    Subscribe & Save: With Subscribe & Save, you can automatically ship items you need regularly (think: laundry detergent and soap) every month to six months, as per your needs. (You can also skip deliveries if you’re on vacation.) Not only do these items come at a 5-15% discount (up to 20% for Prime users), but you’ll also score free shipping. Note that smaller items—like toothpaste—are usually delivered in quantities larger than a single tube. Level-two hack: Ostensibly, you could subscribe and then cancel your subscription immediately to score free shipping on subscribe-and-save goods.

    Delivery Guarantees: Items with a guaranteed delivery date will ship free if they don’t arrive on time. You can track this easily with Paribus, which alerts you if a product doesn’t arrive by a specified delivery date. (Paribus also tracks price drops on other websites, though Amazon itself doesn’t honor price drops.)


  • -1

    I think it looks like instead of losing the hack, it helps with Amazon with more advertising.
    Anyway, is this an internet version, or ozbargainers' version of "brawl"?

  • +1

    Lol .. there’s always going to be that one that ruins it for everyone else..

  • +7

    Thanks for posting. Don't visit the forums so wouldn't have seen otherwise.
    Can't see how this is different to price errors and people trying to take advantage of those.

    • Yes and you see how quickly those deals gets patched/fix when it's OZBargained! that's the whole point.

    • yeah, or VPN hacks/tricks.
      Aus still gets shafted for most stuff though.
      Good you can send stuff back to Amazon with little or no reason, Prime is pretty good with free deliveries and movies etc. for $7/month
      Not much to order from the US/UK anyway or isn't cheaper

    • +2

      Totally agree, I don't usually go to forum or wiki to find out how to do things, just checking post to increase my knowledge.

  • Thanks OP

  • +4

    Funny how mods are active and updating this "deal" but wont act on the 91 reports so far. Also noticed it is suss that the revisions tab (which is usually between view and comments) is missing.

    • -1

      you are wasting your time waiting.

    • +4

      You won't see a revisions tab unless a change is actually made to a post. The first one was made an hour ago (after your comment), so you can now see the tab.

      • +1

        Agree, 92 report is significant, how about the 212 voted plus and counting, is that not more significant?

  • This seems incredibly dishonest and I'd have an issue with this if it was done with a smaller local business or something.

    But hey, it's Amazon. I won't be exploiting this, but do what you feel is right. I won't judge anybody for taking advantage of it.

  • +3

    good deal.

  • Mod: The OP has asked us to remove the deal, due to the reception it has received from some members. However we have kept it published, as it appears to be of benefit to many. Thanks

    Another disappointing decision sigh

  • -1

    Who wins a popularity contest? OP or Broden?

    • +1

      Op on 208 upvotes so far

      • +1

        Not record votes but record negative votes for the mth lol .

        • +1

          Almost double the neg, let see if we can triple it :) BTW the rate of increase of plus exceed the rate of increase for neg. Even though I never ordered from Amazon. Just voting plus for the kindness of op telling the rest who may benefit from this hack. And the op having to put up with the neg even though op did not receive one extra cent from posting this. Just doing my part to support OP.

          • +3

            @htc: initially negs were just 20 votes behind now 100 behind hahaha

            • +1

              @sammyla: Still not triple the number of neg vote, as of now, the number of positive vote is triple 2.

  • -4

    This is how the world turned into this one you see today.

    • -1

      drama much…? have you lost your privilege somehow by all of us knowing this 'hack'

      • +4

        The interesting things are people's attitudes toward this, and in what manner they behave. As for my own interest, I never bought anything less than $49 from overseas Amazon and I don't really care about it. So stop judging people with your own experience. Not everybody cares it just because they want to save the delivery fee, which is not a big deal at all. Like if someone pissed on your front yard lawn, it's no big deal and you might not even know it. But once you know, you know what kind of person the pisser is.

        • +2

          …this makes no sense whatsoever. even being a little drunk doesnt even help!?

          • @franco cozzo: That's the thing, some people are running out of reason to justify themselves. So instead they will say something else that sound logical. Or neg you quietly. Ozbargain should make it equal, both upvote and neg shows the username.

    • +3

      aww don't feel so sad things are not that bad , you are upsetting the readers by being so philosophical. :)

  • +3

    Mod: The OP has asked us to remove the deal, due to the reception it has received from some members. However we have kept it published, as it appears to be of benefit to many. Thanks

    Faith in humanity is restored!

    • +3

      Disappointing that OP didn't have the balls to keep his brilliant post up succumbing to the pressure of the negs . At least OZB looked after them :)

      • +2

        Comments were really nasty and personal.

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