Bit of a long shot, but my boat ramp is extremely slippery in the tidal zone, can't stand on it without slipping over making it difficult to launch from. I've pressure washed it and within 3 months it's back to being slippery.
I googled for a "large sinkable mat" that I could lay down when launching / using ramp and then pull it up when done so that it doesn't get covered in slippery stuff. I could only find this one product that looks pretty straight forward but wayy too expensive at $2-5k.
Anyone got any suggestions on alternatives? I've thought of just rubber mats and such but they need to be large enough and sinkable.
Slippery for you or car?
For you, recommend a pair of Crocs. To hell with what people think. They're comfy, good grip and no probs getting wet/quick dry making them ideal for boat trips.
For car, would BFG KO2s be an option maybe? No issues with traction launching boat off slippery ramps.