if you are on job seeker for past month and been affected by covid19 are you able to cancel job seeker and apply for any of the COVID 19 grants? Had a discussion with both NSW and Centrelink as they are confused and do not know.
If you cancel the jobseeker payments then you are not double dipping, I mean your in a hot spot and told to isolate because of close contact, been on job seeker as my business cannot operate during lockdown. I will be applying for the $15000 grant payment supplying the letter from tax agent as I qualify over $75000 and turn over has dropped 70% on 2019 in the two weeks comparisons but wanted to know if the $600 or $1500 fortnightly payments are still optional.
Might qualify for this without cancelling jobseeker if you are actually quarantining and not just following stay at home orders.
Definitely have to cancel jobseeker to be eligible for this
Curious is it really - jobseeker = $600 per f/n Vs disaster payment $600 per week?