I'm purchasing a car and it's being sold by a mechanic who says the customer came in for work done and can't pay, so he asked them to sell it for him.
- They were upfront about that so my red flag sensors aren't too high at the moment.
- I've asked them to get a sales receipt from the owner saying that he's selling the car to me, they said they'll do that.
- I'm also planning on writing up a letter with the company's details on it and stating that they have authority to sell the car on the owners behalf etc and get them to sign it.
- I'm going to try to get the owner's name and number and call them to confirm that they have authority to sell it but I'm not sure they'll give me the info, I'll find out on Monday.
Anything else you think I should do? If anyone has gone through this before and know what should actually be done? I can't find info online with the searches I've tried.
Obviously my aim is to avoid a situation where I buy the car, then the owner claims the mechanic never had the authority to sell it on his behalf and I have to return it to the owner. Then I'm stuck trying to claim the money back from the mechanic somehow.
It's not an expensive car, $5k if that matters.
Looks like you have it covered.
Person who the car is currently registered to will likely sign the transfer form.