I have perused the 7 Plus website but I can't find a way to watch specific Olympic events.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm mainly interested in Weightlifting and Artistic Gymnastics.
I have perused the 7 Plus website but I can't find a way to watch specific Olympic events.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm mainly interested in Weightlifting and Artistic Gymnastics.
That yields https://7plus.com.au/olympic-games-tokyo-weightlifting and https://7plus.com.au/olympic-games-tokyo-artistic-gymnastics
But then there is no content of the events. The Women's 49 kg event has already finished.
Try the schedule top left for times events on. They broadcast live, so that one is already finished, and some highlights packs
They have since uploaded the weightlifting event. All good so far.
use the 7+ app (download it) … that lets you watch what you want in terms of Olympic events
The App is terrible!
What is terrible about it?
It is great for variety but has some bugs and frustrations.
Have had to exit the app between opening streams to get them to load.
Ads that start almost every time you open a new stream, rather than on a timer or something else, are frustrating when you're just wanting to peruse events.
Audio and video has been out of sync by a number of seconds on some streams.
That said, for free, hard to complain. I would definitely have paid to disable all ads though - but would want it to work in that case.
@exceladdict: I have ads load but never the content. Go figure.
App is useless and even the smart TV app isn’t compatible with my Sony TV
Are the events live on the app?
what time does DOTA start?
Didnt know people still watched it.
Yet here you are, wanting to post about it.
cause theres nothing on TV but that crap
Whinging will never become unpopular.
It was a one off event at the London Olympics.
The 7+ website is pretty good. Pick any live stream and open it. Then scroll down and you will see all the current live streams and it should give you a specific event name and even time that it’s on.
Thanks. I'll be a bit disappointed if one can't watch events on demand, that's one of the main advantages of streaming over television.
This afternoon there were about 35 different streams on at the same time, and 6 of them were different cameras for the gymnastics, so you could actually stream each apparatus.
The "Watch" buttons all just link to the score tables, not any video. Is it any different on your end?
livetv dot sx has some good streams.
On 7Plus website, click Olympics, scroll down slightly & the first horizontal list of videos is whats on live now. Click on it to watch. If you want a schedule, search Google & a custom Google interface will come up letting you see when your favourite events are on.
Anyone get the ‘Watchlist’ to work in the 7Plus app or in the Apple TV app?
I’ve saved stuff to it, but no ‘Watchlist’ appears under/near the main Olympic banner. Frustrating.
I check the schedule (Tokyo time), https://olympics.com/tokyo-2020/olympic-games/en/results/all…, and go to 7catchup 5mins before start to see if it's listed. The Olympics schedule is good as you can choose the date and sport, plus you can click through to see biographies of the athletes. Click "Schedule & Results" top right and it takes you to current day.
Was watching catchup on PC last night and streams played up so switched to catchup via Fetch Mighty. Easier to navigate on PC with mouse and uses less battery. During day PC streams were fine.
Womens long jump, pole vault and triple jump
Some of the streaming often overlaps in the same channel (i.e. the 'up-next' schedule start & ends time is before the current coverage ends).
For example: https://7plus.com.au/live-tv?channel-id=TOK22 (Surfing and Badminton streaming are clashing)
Having said that, it is free. You just couldn't watch all games.
Just had 4 Olympic records in a row in weight lifting with Womans 55KG, meanwhile 7 is showing the same swimming highlights on repeat now for 6 hours.
It's the same every year. 😴
Woo yeah! Wonderful to see good girl Philippines beat evil communist china.
Search those sports in search menu at top