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US$10 in Bitcoin for Referrer & Referee Each (US$100 Min Deposit and Hold for Min 30 Days) @ Nexo


Nexo just launched their new referral program with referrer and referee each getting US$10 in Bitcoin when referee deposits US$100 or more in any of Nexo supported digital currencies and holds this deposit for a minimum of 30 days. Referee must also pass the Advanced Verification step during sign-up.

Some info on Nexo:

Nexo is a crypto bank which accepts digital cryptocurrency assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. Nexo is seen these days as one of the big 4 crypto banks, alongside Celsius, BlockFi and Crypto.com. What makes Nexo different is they also accept 3 fiat currency assets - USD, EUR and GBP.

The deposit interest rates offered by Nexo are anywhere between 4-12%, including for the 3 fiat currencies above. For more details, see the table of rates in their link below:

Referral Links

Referral: random (44)

Referrer and referee each get US$25 worth of Bitcoin when referee deposits US$100 and holds for 30 days.

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closed Comments

  • yeah.. no way.

    • why ?

      • Because they engage in questionable practices such as locking up people's crypto and liquidating them without any warning. Research them and there is plenty of evidence of this. Use a reputable company like Celsius network where your money is far safer.

        • Nexo did not lock up people's crypto and liquidating them without warning. Those are swallow claims and if you go more into the specifics, you will find that it was the user who did not know what they were doing, in particular to taking up a loan. The user actually tried asking around if anyone wanted to pursue a class action with him but didn’t managed to get anyone to join him.

          Research Celsius and you will find plenty of complains with Celsius such as they make it hard for their users to sell their crypto, plenty of transaction delays (important when prices move quickly in crypto) and Celsius got data hacked several times too. Your personal data might be sitting with some hacker right now. Nexo has never been breached.

          • +1

            @ilovefullprice: You clearly have no idea and are clearly affiliated with Nexo. There have been plenty of claims of this. Twitter and Reddit is rife with it. Anyone that places their funds in there is asking for trouble. Just by curiosity would you like to divulge for the readers where:

            Nexo is based?

            Is it regulated?

            What is their AUM $ amount?

            How much is in their treasury?

            Can they support their customers financially if there is loss of funds?

            Has their CEO led multiple billion dollar startups?

            I've had a considerable amount in Celsius coming up to 3 years. I've withdrawn a considerable amount without issues. I've taken loans with them. When needed, their support has been prompt at resolving the issue.

            People chasing a $10 of free money should be aware of what they're getting into.

            • @ph81: Quite clearly you are affiliated with Celsius now given that you have been with them since they started 3 years ago. Attacking a competitor like Nexo is in your interest. Asking people to join Celsius is also in your interest which will just push up the value of your holdings. Doing all this in a Nexo’s deal post shows little integrity, just like the founder of Celsius who has very little integrity and is not well respected in the crypto space.

              You can check my Ozb comments here, along with the Ozb user who regularly post Celsius deals, shadowangel, and both of us have never in the past slandered a competitor. So, have some integrity.

              I am not going to answer your questions point by point otherwise I will just be accused of working for Nexo etc. Damned I do, damned I don’t. If you want answers, you can look for them here:

              • @ilovefullprice: Lol…ok mate.

                You can't simply answer the questions because you have no idea. You can't even rattle off any credible info. Anyone can copy and paste a link. I care about other people getting burnt losing their funds. That's what integrity is mate.

                FYI: I'm not affiliated with Celsius at all. I'd just rather people know when they're getting a good deal.

                • +1

                  @ph81: Both Nexo and Celsius are good deals, otherwise I wouldn’t have also mentioned Celsius in my original post above.

                  There is no need for slandering a competitor. Have some integrity mate. There is plenty of space to grow for everyone in the crypto space.

    • +1

      put $100 into Nexo for one year and you'll have $120. put $100 into ing.com.au for one year and you'll have $101.35

      in 10 years, your Nexo account will have $283, your ing.com.au account will have $114

      crypto has risks but leaving cash to earn 1.35% has a risk that inflation will leave you behind.

  • +1

    I hope Elon doesnt say anything once I've brought it .

    • +1

      Think the next major thing he would likely say is resuming acceptance of Bitcoin for Tesla purchases! :)

      Crypto prices all went up today on the news that Amazon is hiring staff to build their crypto payments system. Even without Elon, there will be more companies coming into the space as the world moves towards more digitalisation and hopefully decentralisation.

      What I like best about Nexo is that it also accepts fiat currencies, so there’s no worrying about crypto prices. With local banks offering around 1% deposit rates these days, personally I am using Nexo more and more as a savings account.

      • Yup! using Crypto.com to earn 8% on my Taud. Crazy times we live in!

      • no AUD on and off ramp though.

        • +1

          CDC have an AUD on/ off ramp using PayID and BPay. Used it lots with no worries.

          • @ph81: in-app or desktop? or both

  • 10% interest on USDC is far better than the 3% odd that I'm currently getting with binance.
    Risk is will I be able to withdraw the USDC back out afterwards….

    • If you can withdraw from Binance, you can easily do the same with Nexo. You can also withdraw to your local Aussie bank account with Nexo.

  • +1

    Just use Celsius. Way better referral code bonuses as well.

  • +1

    It was the fact that they were deleting comments in the post. Maybe you should start reading because I didnt even refer to the posts main issue. Your case for $10 isn't sounding that great.

    You're pretty good at copy and pasting but lack the intelligence to have researched these companies. I spent 3 years researching them. Nexo, Celsius and BlockFi. I know what their pros and cons are.. Clearly you don't other than reading some posts and chasing a few dollars.

    P.S I'd rather a CEO that cares about his company, his members and their funds than one that copies what Celsius are doing.

    • +1

      If you had done your research, you wouldn’t have put all your money in Celsius alone, but spread it out among all the crypto banks.

      I have mine spread out, including Celsius.

      Now who doesn’t have intelligence? Clearly you have gotten into Celsius early when they started 3 years ago and by slandering others AND promoting Celsius in a competitor’s deal post (you could have just slandered and not mention Celsius) this has your own interest at heart, not anyone’s interest here who are reading your comments. If people follow your advice here, they are just helping to enrich you more because you managed to get into Celsius early.

      P/S: When you have a CEO who doesn’t have much integrity and is not well respected (including when Celsius’ own users saying the same thing), you risk a situation the CEO closes the company and runs away with your money. This has happened with other crypto companies in the past.

  • -1

    Haha whatever you want to say mate. You love throwing accusations around that are totally baseless as you don't even know what my position is. My original post was that there are better deals which there are. Keep chasing your referral rewards.

  • -1

    I would like to point out to the readers that the OP has hilariously linked back to where I have said
    the following:

    1) "I am coming up to 3 years".
    Celsius began in the US Summer of 2017 and now it's US Summer of 2021. This is 4 years. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️

    2) I said I've "had a considerable amount" (keyword being "had") and have "withdrawn a considerable amount". I have $40 US in there atm if you must know. Yep, this will enrich me alot. Yet again OP clearly has an inability to read and would rather push an agenda.🤦🏻‍♂️

    OP, thanks for providing the readers with the links back to where you clearly have not read. Again. 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Enjoy your weekend! 👍

    • You clearly did not read what I wrote too.

      1) I said “You said yourself here that you have been with Celsius for 3 years now (and I know Celsius started around 3 years ago)”

      2) Yes this is an error on my end reading “have” rather than “had”. There is no way of proving this now unless you have some sort of screenshot to prove that you only have what you say.

      On Celsius’ Reddit page, there appears to be another new post of a concern raised by a user. To those who have everything and a considerable amount with Celsius needs to be extra careful guys:

  • +1

    Do you need to do kyc on nexo?

    • Yeah, you need to do kyc with Nexo. Nexo is one of the big 4 crypto banks, and all big crypto banks does kyc because they are all striving to get banking licenses, just like traditional banks.

  • Nexo Financial LLC / Nexo AG / Nexo Finance Limited / Nexo Capital Inc. is licensed by 25 different financial regulators and in 4 countries.


  • +1

    Referral bonus has been doubled till Sept 30

  • +1

    I deposited US$100+ worth of BTC but 30 days later, its value dropped below US$100 and got bonus rejected. Make sure you maintain your balance of US$100. Simply dishonest and negging. Will not be using them again and keeping with Celsius. Good luck ya'll.

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