No idea on model number sorry. Starts tomorrow - 20/02/2012
Mod: please add Costco Sydney into the title. As stated, I was in a rush.
No idea on model number sorry. Starts tomorrow - 20/02/2012
Mod: please add Costco Sydney into the title. As stated, I was in a rush.
lol. The ten word rule is annoying especially when you're in a rush.
Your coupon link does not work
And I assume this is Costco in Sydney since you are in Sydney?
Could you please put the bargain details in the description itself instead of pointing to a link. In case your link dies like now.
its most likely KDL55EX500.
$950 is a pretty good price for that set. But its not exactly top of the line.
chill yo!
Are you serious? I went to the effort of taking a pic and uploading it. I also tried to upload the coupons in pdf form on a tablet but didn't work. You have been a member here for longer than me with 0 posts??
Also, I mentioned I was in a rush.
Biting the hand that feeds you is not uncommon. Thanks for all the deals.
"You + community have revoked the -1 vote from "YaBigGoose" on this deal" yay.
I would like to see a number after the user's id that represents the number of posts contributed - similar to ebay's feedback number. This would add weight to a user's comments and an indicator of their commitment to the ozbargain community.
Give k a break. He posted a Xoom 32g wi fi deal a few weeks ago for $299 and I made good use of that. Thanks k. He got a bit of flak back during that post too.
i think it's just because Sunday is slower for deals posted, idle hands > fickle comments
Glad someone benefitted. Deal was removed due to idiots in another thread.
How did that deal get removed? It stated that it was removed at the OP request?
I imagine that I am one of the "idiots" that you are referring to from the other thread and I have no idea how my actions may have lead to the OzBargain mods removing your deal? Please enligten me so that I do not make the same mistake again.
I read your post in Sheldon's voice.
for darkscorpio:
“Howard, you know me to be a very smart man. Don’t you think that if I were wrong, I’d know it?”
I'm assuming the post has been updated? All the info seems to be there.
Please be nice, guys.
bought sony kdl 46 ex720 for $1015 from domayne
prefer led lcd … much thinner
That's wonderful mate, 9" is a bit of a difference.
that's what she said!
surely the colour is black too?:p
Once you go black…
Jb online is selling this TV for $1091 delivered. so $950 is a very good price if you have membership with Costco.…
i rather buy JB online, cbf borrowing a mates ute/van to pickup tv. to save 150bux is it worth the headache?
The problem is that not all Ozbargain members can have access to Costco so this thread could only be good for Costco members.
Also on their web site I couldn't find "any" mention regarding warranty T&C etc. etc. am I missing something?
My ex colleague who is a member of Costco told me that everything in Costco is lifetime replacement warranty. The catch is that you have to pay the membership fee every year. The moment you stop being a member, that's when the warranty runs out.
So if you buy the tv now and membership finishes on tomorrow and you quit, then the tv only have the standard warranty. If you continue membership until after the standard warranty, warranty continues until you decide to stop being a member. Not sure if she was pulling my leg.
She claimed that she bought a Ipod from Costco and it died 1.5 years later. She claimed that she went in and wanted to give an explanation of how it died but they weren't interested. Just took the Ipod and receipt off her and gave her a brand new Ipod and it was the latest model since the old model was no longer in stock.
If someone can confirm this, that would be great.
BRAVIA is a model label used by Sony since 2005 which replaced "WEGA"
For more information on this and much more related to Sony Bravia please visit the following link:
congratulations on buying the last decent TV that Sony produced.
Yes the Bravia is what they call the crap they produce these days. Parts are mostly from Korea and China, if it doesn't catch fire beforehand expect it to last around 3 years max.
I suppose you own a panny or a LG or a Sharp or a Kuro?
you bought WEGA??? thats old stuff dude! but as wise people said GOD made 95% of everything and the other 5% is made in china
HN had this for $950 over the stocktake period. i was tempted but i'm holdin out for the EX720
I checked out the 55" EX720 and did not like it at all. Some colours (e.g. skin) exhibited a bit of noise (fuzzy).
Agreed Sony may make a decent quality build of product however their TV screens do have "Noise" or dots flashing on them compared to Samsung for example. I experienced this for myself when wanting to buy one recently, went in for a Sony and came out with Samsung simply because of the much better image. Yes I realise it is a Samsung but I have to look at the picture so much preferred Samsung image, besides how long does anyone keep TV's any more? I think 5 years would become the norm when it used to be 10+
The sonys come with mpeg noise reduction, and when activated via the tv menu … bam no more noise… better than samsung anyday of the week…. I can confirm that the 'KDL-55EX500' does indeed have mpeg noise reduction.
Yeh, not sure I'd agree with that plus you'd be lucky to get 1 year out of a Samsung. We made that mistake and had our Samsung repaired 6 times before having to return it finally for a refund under direction of consumer affairs (took nearly a year to get to this point with faults present from day 1). Most these visual differences between the brands here are minor so best go with a company with a stronger reputation than Samsung is my advise.
I have both a samsung and sony.. i gotta say the samsung remote sux balls.. I'm contantly hitting the same button. You literally have to point the remote directly at the receiver for it to work. Nightmare
If you know anything about sony u understand that there is a maasssive difference is model numbers. If u can't confirm the model number then it's useless. Plus Costco have some great deals on tv"s in Sydney so it's worth going In to see. I used them for price matching with jb. Jbs managers jaw dropped at the price Costco had it for and price matched, then I ordered 2 sets so he beat it by $50. Got the hx925 for $3450 when it was originally $3999.
Do Costco sell the HX925?
WHen I've been there they havent offered any top of the range sets…
For example only 7000 series Samsungs and only to 55"
yep at Lidcome, they have it at the front of the store, at the front end facing you. its the 55inch modle. the 65inch model is never really even stocked anywhere…plus its twice the price as the 55inch.
LoL the difference isnt at all that massive except for how much money is coming out of your wallet.
you obviously no nothing about tv technology.
Wrong, I know quite a lot. And i know that I spent a lot less than you and the picture quality is very similar to your hx925. No i dont get 3D, no i dont get smart tv, no id ont get some stupid skype tv, no i dont get motion flow800 which makes blurays terrible to watch.. and you know what i dont care! Good luck to you!
They can't spell "compatible" :p
That's my sugar fix for 6 months right there!
I purchased this TV last Feb for $1550 delivered from Bing Lee and I thought I got a bargain :)
I just love this TV. Its no frills, does the job perfectly and bloody huge. BTW I upgraded from KVHR36M31 and am not disappointed. Also remember Costco gives you warranty as long as you are a member, even after 1 year.
how is the image quality? I'm quite picky as i will be upgrading from a panasonic plasma :)
i have to buy a lcd this size as i move around alot and need something that i can transport horizontally
Great description.