Thoughts on the opening ceremony?
I thought the start was short.
What Were Your Thoughts of 2021 Japan Olympic Ceremony

Last edited 24/07/2021 - 10:05 by 1 other user
Poll Options
- 9Great
- 5Medicore
- 38Not great
- 5Everything is great on my OLED Tv
Didn't watch it…
Boring, just like all the others. I don't understand the hype.
There probably was a reason for it being short, I'm guessing a scaled back version because of covid.
It's on the TV but I'm busy surfing OzB, Amazon, eBay and other sites buying $#17.
It's understood that it has been scaled back due to COVID.I feel kinda sad for the Japanese. Knowing the culture and how proud they were and would be to host the Olympic, when you think about the money that gets poured into setting up such an event, it's going to hurt so much. No tourists money coming in, the economy being smashed due to COVID (like everywhere) etc. It's very sad what this BS virus has done…
Not the greatest of openings, but under the circumstances, they have given it a crack…!
The best they could do in the circumstances. Lets get on with the sports.. Go Aussie's
What Olympics?
Disappointing and sad. They have so much culture but chose people exercising and tap dancing…Where was pikachu and mario?
Probably couldn’t pay for licensing rights to use them.
Production value and music was excellent. I feel the ceremony itself was subdued on purpose, on account of the current world problems.
It was nice to see happy and excited faces on TV for a change.
Look it was pretty poor but you cant do much with social distancing, no crowd, and like 80% of your country is against or protesting against the event….
But Hey the Olyroos won so yey Olympics!!
I feel for Japan becuz i reckon out of all the nations affected by COVID they probably got hurt financially the most due to the Olympics. They would of lost billions in having to move it a year and billions more to host it without anyone in the stadiums they spent loads on for the event…
started to watch at 9
after 2 hours of athletes walking in got sleepy and sleptwhat i miss?
The drone globe and the pictograms were highlights for me.
Pictograms was simple but surprisingly entertaining.
Especially tennis man
they have some game shows which people have to make pictograms t9 fit through a moving slot and if they don't make it they fall in the water. it's hilarious
It's covid season. It's population clearly do not want it. But they're stuck into doing it.
They don't get the tourist revenue.
So it makes sense they cut things up and minimise expenses so they don't lose out too much.
From that perspective, it's fine.
Best part was the pictogram thing
Yeah the human pictograms and drone formation flying was awesome. The rest was pretty average. I was shaking my head at some dumb athletes on parade not wearing facemasks or had them under their chin..
I agree but I also liked the cauldron, that thing is amazing.
I’m impressed with the drone stuff
I didn't even bother watching. The Olympics are a white elephant in the best of times.
Oh I thought it was next week. Maybe I'll watch the highlights. After watching the London Olympics opening ceremony I really don't care for the opening ceremony anymore - well I thought the Sochi opening ceremony was really good.
All I can say the organizers are extremely brave and followed it through till the end.
It's probably at great expense and as many of you have said, the people themselves probably don't want it but somehow I have confidence they are changing their mind,
cheap filler for shit tv. bring on the human pill bottles - best chemists win - well those exempted from american testing anyway - even the best drug cheats are being nobbled these days..
Anyone like me who didn't even know the Olympics was on?
At 2.1 million viewers (Oztam five city overnights), it will most likely be the most watched non sporting event this year. Only the AFL and NRL grand finals are likely to rate higher. Pity Seven didn't show it live though. They showed the first 20 minutes live, but it got increasingly delayed with each ad break.
Glad there were alternatives to watching it.
Face mask 😷 Olympics.