Nikon gave me wrong camera

My camera (Nikon Coolpix L120) had been at the repairs for the past 5 weeks. I just got it back yesterday and noticed that it's not my camera. They gave me a more expensive camera (Nikon P500). I called up Dick Smith (they're the ones who sent it off to Nikon) and they said I have to call Nikon directly but they're closed on the weekends. I'm pretty sure they gave me it by mistake. Am I obliged to send it back? Do I have any rights as a consumer as this is a pretty big hassle for me.


  • Is it a new nikon p500?

  • +1

    I am not sure what the legal obligations are but you really shouldn't suffer because of their mistake.
    I would email them about what happened and ask them if they want the camera back.
    If they do then tell them to send my camera first and compensate me for postage, time etc and only then ship it back to them.

  • +2

    If the L120 is superceded and not worth fixing they will give you a refurbished, next-one-up camera.

  • +1

    The ethical side of the argument aside, is your camera still in warranty? If so, and you keep this one, you can kiss it goodby.

    Or you could look at it from the perspective of the person who will receive YOUR camera instead of their more expensive one and put yourself in their shoes.

    As suggested, give them a call.

    • I will give them a call first thing Monday. Thanks everyone :)

    • +1

      Fair enough, but should come with an explanation, and the option of a refund if it can't be repaired rather than a substitute. Sony gave these options to a friend who submitted a warranty claim on a digital P&S camera.

  • +2

    Why wouldn't you want to keep the better one?

    • I do want to keep this better one .. but would feel guilty if I'm not entitled to it.

  • that's really annoying! I would be mad too

  • Its likely the closest equivalent model they are replacing it with.
    Quite often it cost as much or cheaper for them to replace the camera than repair it.

    • The Nikon guy said they wouldn't do that as there is quite a price difference between the two.

  • Just spoke to Nikon. They don't have a record of my cameras serial number. He confirmed my situation was very odd. They said the P500 was the camera dick smith sent them. The guy said if it was him he would keep the camera. The dick smith guy said the same thing. All repairs have a 6 month warranty so my warranty being void isnt an issue. I just have to buy the lens cap, strap, battery and charger.

      • Lens cap, strap, case, 2 rechargeable batteries and charger cost me $47 on eBay.

  • Good outcome then! Hopefully you can pick up the accessories cheap on ebay.

    • +1

      Got them all plus a nice case for $47.

  • Which Nikon Centre was this

    • Lidcombe (in Sydney).

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