I'm wondering if anyone can find one of these delivered to Perth for less than $750. Thanks!
Eureka Specialita Coffee Grinder (Not Imported)

sjbartley on 21/07/2021 - 12:52
where would you recommend importing one from?
Espressocoffeeshop.com, got mine in 3 days
damn that is a nice price, cheers man
Thanks for comment and site link. The first reason against importing is that local support (and supporting local businesses) has some value. The second concern is that I might have to chase up paying the GST I owe on an import - i.e. if I don't get charged for it, I will have to find someone to pay it to as I don't want to evade a straightforward legal requirement.
K beans seems to have it for 779 delivered. I'm tossing between the specialita and the sette 270wi
Why are you worried about importing it? Significantly cheaper and you will get it within a few days via courier.