• expired

15% off Xbox (Microsoft) Gift Cards at JB Hi-Fi


15% off Xbox (Microsoft) gifts cards at JB Hi-Fi, expires 7am Wednesday 21st July. Limit 1 per denomination per order.

These add credit to your Microsoft account, and can be used to purchase anything from the Microsoft Store or Xbox Store, including hardware.

Buying $750 worth of cards would allow you to pick up an Xbox Series X from the Microsoft Store for $637.50

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JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +4

    just finished my homework. used up 10% HOME card from last deal, now i have 755 gift card at 23.5% off, ready for next XSX drop.

    why do you need 850 worth of card to buy a xsx?

    • Nice! Is the home card deal still running?

      My bad, I was thinking $849 instead of $749, fixed

      • +1

        Don't think so, I stocked 1k from last deal.

    • +1

      Have you actually done it? Rules says you can’t buy gift cards with gift cards

      • +3

        That means can not buy JB's gift card. You can of course buy Nintendo eshop, Xbox gift card, etc

  • Can you use JB cards to purchase other gift cards?

    • Yeah

    • -1

      Sadly, no.(support.jbhifi.com.au)

      13.. Gift Cards are not redeemable for other Gift Cards.

      • +2

        I've purchased Xbox gift cards many times with JB gift cards.

      • +5

        You can, both ce5himm and myself have done this in the past hour :)

        I believe they mean to say that you cannot redeem JB Hi-Fi gift cards for JB Hi-Fi gift cards

        • +2

          Good to know. Makes for poorly worded T’s & C’s.

      • I used nearly expired JB gift cards to buy new JB gift cards many times.

  • +2

    Says limit 1 per customer but if you need more of the same denomination, simply re-order. Just did it myself and worked fine

    Also used JB Hi Fi gift card without issue.

  • How often do they restock the Series X at the Microsoft Store?

    • Last restock was on 16 June

  • Thanks OP, now waiting for Microsoft store to restock the xbox sx

  • thanks - just got 6 x $100 orders and one $150.

  • Arent these "xbo digital" giftcards which are same as "windows store" and can only be used to purchase digital games?

    Microsoft Store is different where you can buy hardware

    • +1

      From one simple Google search:
      "This digital gift code is valid for purchases at Microsoft Store online, on Windows and on Xbox."

      • my mistake, awesome for getting Xbox Series X then

  • +1

    Thanks OP! I managed to get Mortal Shell digital on a discount :)

  • Expired for me now :(

    • Expired at 7 am

  • +1

    should wake up earlier :(

    • +1

      It actually started 7pm last night. Maybe go to bed later next time. Lol

      • never thought the code could apply to gift card until this post.

        • Lol fair enough, you could always try. Sometimes works on iPhone or switch. Both are not suppose to happen.

  • can we have the GC redeemed against a/c and ready to go? http://www.microsoft.com/redeem and when xbox appears just buy from credit?

    • +1

      Yup, that's what I did :)

      • Now we need ms to restock. I have a feeling that it will happen very soon.

        • Sold my One X today, now I have no console to play. Come on MS.

      • thanks, on to it now.

  • +1

    Used these to just buy an xbox series s from Microsoft Store.

    I missed all the awesome recent sales and bonus points etc for the series s.

    Ended up paying $380 with combination of gift cards, this 15% bonus and some existing xbox rewards points

    Already have a series x so the s is for the spare TV which currently has XB ONE S.

  • Trade-in your s to take some money back

  • -3

    Do your research! Boycott satanist m$. Stop being brainwashed already!

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