When I use my external NTFS drive, connected to my jailbroken PS# 4.88 EVILNAT, it always comes up with an error when trying to launch any game. It is recognized, but just doesn't launch properly.
NTFS Drive on Jailbroken PS3 Not Recognizing Games

pretty weird, doesn't make any sense. If I load it on the internal drive, it works fine.
What filesystem is the internal drive?
i think its fat32
Is the drive spinning?
yah of course it is
Are you sure the specific drive you are using can be powered by the PS3 USB ports?
yes absolutely sure, because it recognizes it, but doesn't load it
Whaddaya reckon?…..
I had this issue as well.
In the end I formatted a FAT32 USB drive, then moved all of my ISOs to that from my PC, then copied them to the PS3s internal drive. Also had issues just getting the USB drive working lol. The PS3 is very funny about formats.
the problem with FAT32 is that you have to split up all your ISOs and I think the internal drive is FAT32, but I have the latest CFW with multiman, and webman, and prepNTFS.
Oh sorry, I must have used a USB with NTFS then - I didn't split my files.
It was a pain and I swear I used quite a few USBs until one worked. Make sure you're also using the front left USB port on the PS3 - I think the homebrew apps only use that one.
could also try FTPing to the HDD.. side note, before i was on HFC cable internet used to take FOREVER to FTP to the PS3!
Yes I can easily FTP into it, but I want to play games off the external NTFS drive.
I could never get external drives to work, but never had any issues with thumb drives