Lockdown & Final Inspection before Settlement

Organised final inspection pre lockdown and the date is during lockdown. Settlement is on Wednesday. Govt site says we can do things remotely but how are we supposed to check if the water is hot, the ovens are properly heating up, air conditioning is working, etc? Generally things that you need to feel, smell?

If something is wrong and it was because it needed to be a virtual inspection but then it's settled, what legal recourse do we have to have things "rectified" since it's already "settled".

Last year it was allowed to do final inspections but now it must be don't remotely.

Any advice?


  • +11

    Speak to your solicitor? That’s why you pay them and not us.

    • -3

      ‘Your solicitor’
      By implication, it seems like you think that op has a lawyer on his/her payroll..

      Anyways, by your harsh standards. 50% of all discussion blogs on oz bargain wouldn’t exist if everyone were to just pay an expert for help instead of coming here and asking for some.

      Isn’t that the whole purpose of this site, the community helping each other..

      I bet you, there’s a lot of experts on this website that can answer this perfectly reasonable enquiry.

      Please don’t be a snob about it, there’s enough animosity out there as it is.

      • +11

        Well they have someone handling the conveyancing… so yeah… ask them.

      • +3

        Yeah, I can also answer this perfectly reasonable enquiry.

        OP needs to talk to his solicitor.

        And the agent because they'll be the one to provide access.

        What more needs to be said?

        • The solicitor may not answer their phone over the weekend, but the agent im sure will.

      • +3

        Not really in the same ball park when john smith comes here asking for advice on a new router, or whether they should buy a top opening or side opening microwave vs OP spending hundreds of thousands on a home. OP has a solicitor/conveyancer for this very question who is paid to provide legitimate legal advice.

        • -2

          Well you can play the strawmans game by comparing it to trivial queries like ‘which microwave to buy and all that’
          Which too btw could have been sorted out by a 10 minute research on google/YouTube.
          You can make that same argument about pretty much every issue that people share over here.

          Also there’s a big chunk of posts ranging from people getting divorce/separation advice to faulty electrical meters
          Whole range of issues, that can be easily attended to by an ‘expert’..

          More significantly, you don’t know if the op has already spoken to his conveyancer and if they did/didn’t bother helping them with it.
          Maybe thats why the op resorted to posting an enquiry here instead.

      • +1

        It's the people you pay when buying a house. He hasn't employed one just for this query. Your response is exactly why these forums aren't the best for serious issues. Go and annoy another forum.

        • -1

          Oh ffs, just like that person up top @toshjammi. You don’t know who the op has got involved in that whole process and how useful they have been so far..

          My interpretation of it was, that he/she came here for an alternate view or a second opinion.
          Its quite common for people to do that..

          I don’t know what has got you lot riled up over such a small thing..
          You need to relax there boy.

  • -2

    Meditation brings wisdom lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.

  • +1

    Inspection is a valid reason to leave home, so it is not an issue.

    Check government website for more details


  • -1

    This is not an issue and your builder should already know what to do. We were in the same situation last year and the builder provided us with a letter outlining the reason for travel being the inspection of a new house.

  • -3

    Take the cost of a possible fine and divide it with 10950. That is the cost per day IF you get fined.

    Now take the price of the property and multiply it by 3x. That is the potential gain over the same period.

    Investing in real estate is a long term play. The profits should far outweigh the cost of a fine.

    • Actively encouraging people to weigh up cost/benefit of intentionally breaking rules. Nice…

      Consider that lockdown rules are in place for the benefit of the whole community. The selfishness you display and encourage are why lockdowns drag on.

      • -2

        Australia's borders have been closed since March 2020 while Melbourne is up to its fifth lockdown. The lockdowns are killing the economy more than it's killing Rona.

        It's impossible to kill Rona. She doesn't care about lockdowns, masks, PPE or vaccines. The sooner the world accepts that she is here to stay the sooner people can begin to change their habits to live with her in the community.

        • +1

          Yes indeed

          And most people rather than questioning the validity of these draconian like conditions, just shut up and comply with it..

          By definition, governments were meant to be a representation of the masses that elect it and then pay for it.

          Unfortunately, our softly coddled societies have now seem to forgotten that, we now look upto them for orders as if they are our masters, here to control every aspect of our precious lives.

          • -1

            @Gervais fanboy: They are representing the masses. You are the minority thankfully.

          • -1

            @Gervais fanboy: It's stupid comments like yours that spoil these forums. No one is interested in your leftist views. Go and get vaccinated and we all can get on with it. Australia is being left behind in its prison island.

            • @Geoff01: lol not that I would ever wanna pick a side and be boxed in that bracket, generally my views would be considered by some as ‘right wing’ and not ‘leftist’ as you decided to put it..

              Regardless, I haven’t debated my stance on vaccinations anywhere. You have made a implication there based on nothing.
              Anyways mate, I spoke my mind based on what I know and read.
              It was just an opinion and not the final word on this thread.
              You are always welcome to refute that.

        • +1

          Yes the virus will continue. But the virus out of control will lead to many many deaths. Australia has avoided these deaths, unlike many other less fortunate countries. Would you prefer to be in Australia now, or India scrambling to get a cylinder of oxygen to keep a family member alive?

        • why is covid a she?

      • People not getting vaccinated is selfish

  • +3

    It's essential, go inspect your house.

  • If it's a PPOR then essential, else not.

  • ask an electrician to check it.

    • Great suggestion that….

      Or even an experienced handyman that the op already knows and trust

  • You've signed the contract already and just waiting to settle? I would have thought all those things shouldve been checked prior to signing the contract. I think it's too late if u found out the oven isn't working just before settlement unless u can provide it WAS working before u signed the contract and its not now.

    That's my understanding for nsw anyway

    But in any case. I think you should be ok to do the inspection (house inspection for house sales are still going in as scheduled inspections instead of open homes… So u fall in that category)

      • Oh whoops .. Didn't realise op was in Vic.
        Was speaking from a nsw perspective

        • +1

          Na I was using my OzCrystalBall to guess where it is.

    • +1

      It's the final walk through inspection prior to settlement to ensure everything is working that was to be left in the contract. It's standard practice country wide. You don't do it when just looking and putting in an offer.

  • +1

    non sense , this is essential and you must do inspection

  • Perhaps an option is to ask for delay in settlement?

    • that may put the seller in a bind if they are settling on another property same day.. or next day.

  • I work for a RealEstate Construction firm.
    Our internal mail says “Residential pre-settlement inspections can continue to be carried out, however inspections are limited to one member or delegate per household”

    Note: I work in IT department and not involved in RealEstate Operations. But the email is valid and sent to whole organization.

  • All of those things mentioned not working or smelling is the buyer’s problem, unless the contract states that they will be working, or you can prove they were working at time of signing. Pre settlement enables you to check against the contract, the previous owner has removed all their stuff, and everything included in the sale (curtains, light fittings, etc) is there. If you don’t settle because the oven isn’t working, you can expect legal action against you.
    Pre Settlement Inspections

  • Dear OP

    You have it all wrong

    The final per-purchase inspection is to ensure the place was in the condition that it was inspected, in reasonably clean condition, with no rubbish or dumped items and that the said inclusions are present.

    Nothing more

    A quick 5 min walk around by the agent will accomplish that on your behalf.

    if oven or hot water is not working its tough cookies. Just as long as they are present. COVID19 lock down or not.

    • Yup this. The contract you signed did not say working hot water system. It didn't say working oven. It will say what, if any, appliances come with the house (for example the oven). It will say if anything else comes with the house such as curtains.

  • +2

    Thanks all for your input. Settlement went quite smoothly. Some minor cosmetic bits here and there but overall everything seems fine and not worth raising. Just getting a bit of anxiety as a first home buyer.

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