Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword HD: Steelbook Preorder Value

Just a heads up for any of you who preordered Skyward Sword HD with EBGames or anywhere else where you are given the additional steel book, the steel book alone is going for up to $55 on eBay.

In the preorder, you're given the game in its normal plastic switch case as well as the steel book, so if you don't care much for the steel book, my suggestion is to sell it, pretty much subsidizing a large portion of the game itself.

And if you're like me, and you sell on games when you complete them, after selling the game, you'll end up with a profit on Skyward Sword HD.

It May be deemed as not really worth it for some people, but I even forgot about the steelbook addition, and with the 2 preowned trade-ins surprisingly it's surprisingly good value.


  • Ergh.

  • Thought you meant people were asking that price, but no one was buying.

    But to my surprise, turning on sold items on ebay shows people are buying it for that price. Don’t have the game but if I did i’d definitely sell the steelbook.

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