2-in-1 Laptop Recommendations (Budget $1000)

Hello, another looking for recommendations post.

The laptop I'm after won't be in stock for a while. And with online learning I need something ASAP.
So looking to get my son his own laptop for schooling.

He wants a 2-in-1 or one where the screen can go right back.

Don't need anything fancy. Just for light gaming, schooling and zoom meetings.

Budget is $1000 Max, but of course the cheaper the better.

Thanks in advance!


  • Does he want that for practical reason or the novelty?

    I’ve tried the Lenovo Ideapad 11” with Celeron. The built was alright, keyboard was a bit small for adult hands. Processor was slow and made it frustrating to use, Taking a long time to do simple opening up word and so forth. The pad with intel i3/5 processor prob a good fit for a high school boy, eg https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/lenovo-ideapad-flex-5-14-…

    • +1

      This seems a better deal with better and newer processor and 256 GB storage Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5i

      • +1

        Absolutely this has better spec and is cheaper

        • Their current catelogue shows it has dropped to $1097 from $1197 but the website shows $997 for now. Also you can use Lenovo active pen on this, however need to purchase seperately.

  • Thanks. Will check it out.
    He's only 13 and mainly wants it for the novelty. He has also broke a laptop in the past by pulling the screen too far back so another reason I want something like a 3-in-1. As long as he can do school work and play his games with his friends he'll be happy.

  • +1

    That Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5i suggested above would be a solid choice.

    Got my daughter a ThinkPad Yoga (L390) when she needed to BYOD to school, and it comes with an active pen that can be slotted into the body. A 2-in-1 is quite useful (according to her) as she did all her maths homework on the laptop — it's just much easier to write out the equations and proofs. All her MacBook carrying friends have to do the same homework on paper…

    Gaming wasn't that, but that part was intentional :)

    • Yeah plenty of good 2-in-1s, but that form factor is somewhat at odds with gaming unless you spend some coin, or get one with TB3 to use an eGPU.

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