This post is for the information of customers and in the hope that a google search will produce feedback on factual information relating to Deals Near By ( DealsNearBy)
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This post is for the information of customers and in the hope that a google search will produce feedback on factual information relating to Deals Near By ( DealsNearBy)
EDITED to remove content. Please contact for info.
How overdue are the invoices
180+ days
and when did they say the payment would be going through?
Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 11:45 AM
What sort of disputed value are we talking?
More than 20 tea bags. Less than $10k
I'm guessing you have contacted them in between August and today? What are their excuses? It's probably best you take them to small claims court or a creditor. Not sure this public statement is going to make an effect as the site looks like it's no longer selling things. Their tweets stopped in September.
Definately. They have been evasive and started disconnecting phones, so chances of recovery are almost zero. ASIC has the company as; Status Strike-Off Action In Progress.
This post is more for the benefit of others that are likely to conduct business with the people responsible.
good on you for speaking up and warning other suppliers. Good luck with recovery
How overdue are the invoices and when did they say the payment would be going through?