I was very excited about my smartwatch purchase at the Amazon Prime Day.
I purchased a smartwatch at a heavily reduced price (it was Prime Day).
It was supplied and shipped by Amazon UK.
I went to the post office today and received a wristband only.
The tax invoice clearly state that I purchased a smartwatch.
I spoke to Amazon Australia today and they simply said, sorry, wrong item description.
Please send it back for a refund.
Australian Consumer law does state that an entity should not engage in misleading or deceptive conduct.
A price error is a price error but it the tax invoice state that I purchased a smart watch then…
Anyone else that had the same experience with Amazon?
I am not letting this go and will take it to the ACCC unless they send me the smart watch.
I have taken screenshots etc of the listing as proof of the deceptive conduct.
Take the refund maybe ask for gift card for your troubles.