Found it as a good deal previously it was $49. I think it is worth for $39.
Found it as a good deal previously it was $49. I think it is worth for $39.
Amazon already mentioned in title
Still waiting for a good deal on Mafia: Definitive Edition as I already own the other two titles. Hopefully my patience pays off one of these days.
This has the remastered 2nd and 3rd as well?
Yep, all 3 Definitive Editions. Sweet deal.
It has a remake of the first game, a remaster of the second and just the standard version of the third game with all it's DLC included.
The definitive edition trilogy is on sale on steam for PC as well.
Kinda wish I'd bought the trilogy on Epic when it was on a sale.
Should I buy on PC or PS4/PS5….
Guess PC should be great but if you own a console still this should be good.
I vote PC. I originally played this on the Pro and it was ugly af. I double dipped when I got the Series X and while it was visually great, the 30fps only was a down side. You can't go wrong though the first game is amazing!
I’m wondering how it will go on the PS5 then?
be remastered for the ps5 -sony are the new nintendo
I would gather the same thing for Series X, but you're getting more stability rather than a performance increase.
Bought it on Steam. Kinda bummed that volume 2 doesn't have cloud saves though.
I have PS+ but I'll likely let it lapse before I get round to playing volume 2 so doesn't really factor in to it.
Same price amazon