My partner, technologically challenged, has been using an Android smart phone and tablet for years, mainly for web browsing, occasional emails and some online interaction such as banking transactions. The last seems to give her extraordinary grief. I've observed her spending an hour trying to do a simple online payment transaction, repeating the same failed action over and over. Eventually I am called to intervene.
Her biggest issue seems to be the touch screen and keying in information.
I should add that due to medication she occasionally has hand and finger tremors. They are probably exacerbated by stress when the technology is not working for her.
I'm wondering if it would be worthwhile getting her a Chromebook as a tablet replacement, one that gives a better & separate keyboard and touch screen combined?
Welcome your thoughts, serious or otherwise ;-)
Before making a purchase on a Chromebook, try connecting a bluetooth keyboard and mouse to the tablet. Might save you a bit of cash.