4 pairs of Ultimate Ears 200 (UE 200) earphones deal at logitech shop is back!
$25.00 for 4 pairs with free shipping.
(Please note if you are buying these as a gift: As usual, with this deal, the earphones do not come in a retail pack)
4 Pairs of Logitech Ultimate Ears 200 Earphones $25.00 Free Shipping

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that's regular retail price at Umart..
These were $5-$7 on COTD a while back.
Yeah, I grabbed some back then. Very good sound quality for the price. They are a step up from iphone stock earbuds.
Yeah until they fall apart after the 3rd use. I went through 4 pairs in about 4 weeks. Agree about the sound quality though, much better than the Apple earbuds.
Do they leak much sound, or do they insulate it pretty well so everyone else on the train doesn't have to listen to your terrible music, as they do with iPod earphones?
They don't leak much sound at all as the rubber seals them into your ear canal pretty well.
The insulation is good. But you do have to try all eartips one by one and fine the best fitting one (This affects the sound quality as well).
superklue if you had UE200's they come with a 2 Year Limited Warranty - so just buzz our Support Team on 1800 025 544 and they can help you out.
@ alizzan - yep, you work out which pair of the different sized buds are the right fit for your ear, once you determine that, not only do you isolate outside noise, but the earphones sound their best too.
With $10 delivery
Think it was way less. The COTD deal was pretty good.
I bought two of these last time, and tbh they are terrible even for the price. It doesn't even compare to the HTC DHD earphone.
Have you tried burn-in? Obvious improvement after that.
I have but didn't leave it for too long. How long does it need?
Guys our UE's don't need to have 'burn-in'. @ nadan, did you try all the various sized ear buds and also followed the FAQ on our website for putting UE's in/on? What we find is that people who don't use the right sized ear bud or don't insert them into their ear canal normally find they sound rubbish, although once fitted properly they are awesome.
Not the best deal, last time it was 4 for $18. Still very good earbuds for the price though
Ditto, I bought 4 and sold 3 :)
Bought the same deal last time. The 1st pair broken within 1 month. I suspected it was a returned/used pair as it did look a bit suspicious when I openned the box. I emailed LTS, but they said they were only a retailer so I had to call Logitech customer service to get a fault number or something. I called Logitech, waited for 30 minutes. Phone was not answered. So i called LTS told them the situation. They asked me to return the faulty pair and sent me the replacement. The replaced pair was brand new for sure. Worked well ever since. Never had to use my 2nd, 3rd, or 4th pair. For the price, it is very good build and sound quality. I use it for a few hours a day. No problem stopping the noise while catching the train.
All for $4.50! True ozbargain spirit there!
Including the essay i typed above… lol
You didn't use your 2nd pair while you waited for the replacements from the 1st? :P
well Hello Mr. Sherlock!! :p
I've bought some of these in the past, and quite like them. Great sound quality, and they reduce other sounds around you.
I don't think you can get better ones for $6.25 each.
I bought some of these a few months ago (when LogitechShop had them for 11 for $45). The sound quality is decent enough for what you're paying, but the build quality is terrible — I've gone through three of them already. The first one, one of the earbuds fell apart. The other two, I eventually just lost sound in one ear.
you must have abused them
Why neg him? It's absolutely true, these earphones do have terrible build quality.
I bought 4 pairs. I still have 4 pairs.
No issues from me.I agree that if someone's had a bad experience, let them speak.
Yeah we do too, we don't mind seeing mixed feedback as it helps us pass this info on to our Support Teams. Even now, the posts from a few people here have been passed onto our UE Team. Ideally anyone with issues calls our team, gets a replacement so that the faulty units come back, then what happens is we can investigate the units and determine the cause.
I agree. I bought 2 sets, and the first set fell apart in about 3 weeks - and they were used solely as my work-desk pair (so the most strenuous thing they endured was being put in my ears). I've got other IEMs (UE600, senn CX300) and treat them much worse, and they've been as sturdy as can be.
Sound quality was adequate, but build quality was awful.
Give our Support Team a buzz on 1800 025 544 as the UE200's have a 2 Year Limited Warranty on them
Also lost sound in one channel on mine after just a couple of outings with them, and they hadn't been roughly treated. Not that it was a great loss - they may be the least worst super-cheap ones you can get, but they're still harsh and tinny.
Give our Support Team a buzz on 1800 025 544 as the UE200's have a 2 Year Limited Warranty on them. Also did you try all the different sized ear buds, we find people who don't like the UE's typically haven't got a tight fit in their ear canal and hence they sound tinny - getting a tight fit normally fixes that in a jiffy.
I lost sound in one ear too. Well it's still there about 20% in the right ear. But not good enough!
no it's not good enough. Give our Support Team a buzz on 1800 025 544 as the UE200's have a 2 Year Limited Warranty on them.
I bought mine through COTD a while back and use mine during Gym, including my weekly 20mins in the sauna. Thats right, I take them into the sauna (and sometimes 5-10 mins in the steam room) and they are still going well.
Mine are still working though I'm probably an extremely light user.
Now I'm hoping the ones I gave away are still working too.
I must be lucky with mine because I still use my first pair constantly and it's lasted me 6 months now. Quite happy with it.
Most of the earphones I've bought have never lasted long because I treat them quite badly, but strangely these have lasted quite a long time. I stopped using them because I kept losing the eartips and didn't like the sound.
@ fghvbnrty if you need replacement tips shoot an email to [email protected] and they can help you out.
Also to improve the sound make sure you have a tight fit in your ear canal as it changes the re-production remarkably.
gilbarc please call our Support Team on 1800 025 544 as our UE200's have a 2 Year Limited Warranty on them, so our team will help you get sorted out quick smart.
Thanks for the reply. To be honest though, since I bought them for about $4 a pop, sending the faulty units back will likely cost as much as what I originally paid for them, so it's probably not worth it (unless you guys are happy to pay postage). I'm pretty sure I've already thrown away two of the faulty ones anyway.
Ok, well at least you know for next time. The price you paid isn't our criteria, but we understand what you mean.
Thanks OP, just bought some.
I hope they are better than the cheap "Cobolt" rubbish for a cople of Dollars.
My kids just seem to "lose" earphones all the time?sound quality is OK, but they've got a horrendous design flaw -the cable acts as a 99% efficient acoustic transmitter, every slight brush of the cable or tap on your phone comes through to your ear like a stethoscope.
Honestly doctors and mechanics should buy these for internal diagnostics.
I've seen other people say that too, but I wear mine to the gym and don't seem to have that problem.
I've even tried to specifically emulate it by wiggling the cable around while listening to music but still nothing… weird.
Microphonics is a commmon issue with ear buds and IEMs…it's not a flaw pertinent to this model. Even $200 IEMs have this issue.
I had $200 Triple-Fi 10s. Sounded great but these $5 ones offers say 60% of the sound quality at 2.5% of the price. I sold the TF10s. :-)
@ shawn_low yes that's correct.
@ effgee the other solution is to run the cord around the back of your ear which seems to work for some people too.
I placed an order for these on Monday 15th around 10am and they arrived at my door Tuesday 16th at around 2.30pm. Am very surprised and happy at the delivery time. I used to use UE700 also from LTS, but after loosing them I admitted that I don't really care about the sound quality and was mainly happy from the noise isolation. Obviously, the sound driver and build quality is worse, but they have the same isolation as higher end earphones.
my UE 115's and 220's didn't even last a few months. left side just stopped working ffs -.-
and they both don't even sound anywhere close to my 5 year old run down but still working Creative EP630s
Call our Support Team on 1800 025 544 as our UE's have 1/2/3 Year Limited Warranty's depending on the model.
Cool mine just broke literally today
Great buds for the price….if you can live with them possibly breaking. The left side of mine split open and I had to glue it back. It was $5 so can't really complain.
Sound is great for the price!
@ shawn_low please call our Support Team on 1800 025 544 as our UE200's have a 2 Year Limited Warranty on them
Got one set from COTD, they broke, one earphone separated…but superglue fixed it and they are still going strong :)
Might get a few spares with this offer, I quite like them.
If you have any further issues please call our Support Team on 1800 025 544 as our UE200's have a 2 Year Limited Warranty on them
My earbud also fell apart (Left first and then right 4 weeks later) which from what I can see is a recurring episode with everyone but nothing superglue couldn't hold together! The sound quality is decent but still superior to non-inear buds.
If you have any further issues please call our Support Team on 1800 025 544 as our UE200's have a 2 Year Limited Warranty on them
Bought from COTD. Left ear stopped working after ~2 months :(
please call our Support Team on 1800 025 544 as our UE200's have a 2 Year Limited Warranty on them
i got 5 of them and 2 of them the right ear plug didn't work
both of mine suffered issues with the right ear, not mention being utter crap!
@ wog_ta please call our Support Team on 1800 025 544 as our UE200's have a 2 Year Limited Warranty on them. Also make sure you have tried all the different sized ear buds as that changes the sound completely when you have a tight fit in your ear canal
@ kdavies please call our Support Team on 1800 025 544 as our UE200's have a 2 Year Limited Warranty on them
very cheap but i bought these a while back and they're horrible headphones,. So much noise from the cables when you walk its like a warzone. Sound quality is great if you hold your head still…
I got them for 4$ each last time. Two of the earbuds didnt have one of the earbuds working. Can't be bothered sending them back by post for the same cost. Logitech lost it's "quality image" for me.
their quality image?
You are buying the $4 range that are sold by a seperate company and the product you are buying doesn't come with packaging.
If you want their quality products, you might have to fork out more than $4.
The least I expect form them is that they work properly out of the box. I don't care about how much I pay for them. The fact that they are being put up here on ozbargain should mean that they are worth more than that, and we are gettting a BARGAIN.
With your attitude you would be more than happy to get a car which does not have brakes if you haven't paid $100k for it.
something I buy should atleast work fine, even if not as good as other more expensive ones.A good paid of new headphones costs around $100 - $150, you bought yours for $4.
If I bought a brand new Ferrari for $4k, I wouldnt expect much of it to work.@ pdan8 please call our Support Team on 1800 025 544 as our UE200's have a 2 Year Limited Warranty on them
You are buying the $4 range that are sold by a seperate company and the product you are buying doesn't come with packaging.
If you want their quality products, you might have to fork out more than $4.They're not $4 earphones. Their normal retail price is around the $36 mark, so it's not unreasonable to expect something that's going to last more than a few weeks.
People, these have a 2 year replacement warranty. Use it. There are obviously some issues with inconsistency in the manufacture (they're either good, or terrible it seems) so if you don't make them replace them they're never going to get their act together.
In the meantime, the only problem we've had with them is that hubby keeps trashing them ….. time to get some more. Thanks OP
Got mine when they were $35 for 4. Still going strong. No complaints about the sound, but then again, I listen to podcasts mainly. The rustling sound from clothing rubbing against the cables gets more bothersome the tighter the tips fit on your ear canal. These ones come with quite soft tips and were not that bothersome.
i would stay away after my experience of them not working out of the box. it's more or less testing your luck, with these.
bought for $4@ last time
these earphone have great improvement after burn-insound quality is good at this price(you can ignore all <$50 range earphones if you consider sound quality only)
build quality is terrible, better use cable clip or DIY something to avoid bend
Which earbuds are the best for build quality?
Good luck getting any after sales support with these headphones, I own a pair of genuine ultimate that I purchased retail and they broken not even after 2 weeks of use (for a ~$250 set of headphones) and can't find anyone who can help at logitech, a joke. Stick to reputable brands.
If they don't work at all return it to where you got it from for a full refund.
Use their facebook page rather than sit on the phone for ages.
@ dewy
- typically you just go back to where you purchased from to get a replacement set
- or call our Support Team on 1800 025 544
- or head to http://www.logitech.com/en-au/support-downloads to email our Support Team
- or jump on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/logitechaustralia, but typically it's best to call the 1800 number
- or jump on the UE Facebook page www.facebook.com/ultimateearsSo we are here to help that's for sure :-)
mine just arrived (in less than 24 hours). all 4 are working fine and they look brand new.
Woo looks like a LTS sale is coming :D