I have a Braun electric shaver that is overdue for a clean so I've been trying to find a good deal on Clean & Renew Cartridges. Amazon sells each cartridge for $4.26 USD but unfortunately they don't ship to Australia. So far the only Australian store I've found that stocks this product is Shaver Shop but they sell each catridge for $10.48. It seems to me that Shaver Shop have a monopoly and they can charge whatever they like. I was wondering if any Ozbargainers would know where I can get a good deal on these cartridges.
Braun Clean & Renew Cartridges

I've got a Braun with a cartridge cleaning system, but not sure if they're the same type as the one you've mentioned.
On my cartridges, you can actually just clean them out with water and refill with rubbing alcohol (eg: Isocol). Could be a cheaper alternative than continually buying new carts.
That's what I do..
I've owned my shaver for 7 years and only bought 4 cleaner refills in that time, mostly cause I suspect that there's a bit of silicone lubricant or similar in the official version.
I actually filter the remaining solution, wash out the plastic container to remove all the bristle and then return the filtrate and top up with denatured alcohol. (It helps that I work in a lab so have access to all this "lab" stuff daily)
I wouldn't recommend using Methylated Spirits due to the water content. Rubbing alcohol would be good too.
Thanks for the tips guys. I appreciate it. ;)
Checked Ebay?
I've no idea how many of these users get through but why not buy off Amazon and use a US freight forwarder to mail to you? Shipito are the most straight forward and transparent one to use (that I'm familiar with).
I'd imagine with that price differential you'll only have to buy a few to make it viable - so run your numbers to see if worthwhile. :-)