7-8 Inch Studio Monitors in 2-3k Price Bracket Per Pair, Help to Choose Please


I am choosing between:

Presonus Sceptre s8
HEDD Audio Type 07 MK2

Don't think any Adam's in same price bracket can compete, and did not really find anything at Yamaha, Focal, KRK etc that I liked.

The goal is to play classical music (symphonic, operas) with as much detail and accuracy as possible.



  • +2

    I'm not quite sure this is the right target audience for this level of audiophile demand. There must be specific dedicated forums around.

    • +5

      Yeah OP, we be buying Edifiers bro.

      • +4

        To replace clapped out Logitech's

        • -1

          Yeah, these OzB plebs wouldn't have a clue:) Try Stereonet if you want a local forum. They can probably help you.

  • I have used Focal Twin6 Be and they are the best. But maybe above your price range.

    You may consider Neumann KH120a. Bottom line you should test all studio monitors before you buy and choose your best based on your judgement.

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