I am currently looking for an Xbox Series X for my little brother and I refuse to pay scalpers even $100 more than RRP. What are your successful ways of tracking down the new consoles as JB HI FI, EB games etc are not able to tell me anything at the moment.
Best Chance of Finding an Xbox Series X at RRP

I did this with PS5 and got one! I'd also recommend calling a few EBs and seeing their stock. See if you can get a rough idea for restocking dates or just call them every week. Staff are usually cool. I got my Xbox just by asking when they'd be restocked. Good luck!
I got one through Telstra and another through Target.
They come up on OzB basically once a fortnight - much more frequent than PS5s.
Both PS5 and Xbox usually appear during the middle of the day as well. Either set up an alert or just refresh every 10 mins or so and you'll snag one.
Twitter is your best best. My mate and cousin got a PS5 that way. But you'll have to be ready to jump on it quickly otherwise it'll go out of stock really quickly.
If you wait a couple weeks and set up a notification, and maybe routinely check jb/good guys etc. you'll probably get one.
I grabbed one at good guys last time they came up
I ended up getting one second hand off facebook marketplace, for a not absurd price, which was quite a suprise to me, i guess not everyone is a slimy scalping sack of shit.
how much did you pay? im pretty inpatient so im thinking 850 be my max
It is worthwhile checking in with local stores for stock. Had a work colleague randomly walk into a JB during their lunch break to inquire when their next shipment of Xboxs would be coming and the store person told him he had two cancelled orders sitting there that he could purchase on the spot.
I ordered mine three weeks ago through a Telstra store and it arrived in 6 business days. Bit annoying that it gets sent to the store and I had to go pick it up, but the turnaround time is pretty quick.
Followed @AlertsXbox on twitter and enabled account notifications. Got an Xbox through Amazon within two weeks of following.
Going into JB Hifi and asking works more often than not.
JB also lets you put in a deposit for a back order in-store. They won't let you do this online. I did this several months back but another order shipped first so I cancelled the back order.
Set up an alert on here so as soon as a deal is posted you can be straight on to it?