This was posted 3 years 8 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive Power Handle Razor (4 Razors) $7.95 + Delivery @ Smooth Sales


Hi OzBargainers.

We've dropped the price on the Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive Power Handle Razor with 4 Razors from $14.95 to $7.95.

We've got limited stock so don't miss out.

1 x Gillette Skinguard razor handle
4 x Skinguard Cartridges (Blades)

Metro delivery is a flat rate $7.95.

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Smooth Sales
Smooth Sales

closed Comments

  • +1

    These are good razors especially for people with more sensitive skin.

  • +5

    Was about to order then I saw the POSTAGE. I will stick with my cut throat thanks.

    • Same here .

      • -8

        Can always buy it from Shaver Shop - they have it on "Sale" for $14.95 + $7.95 delivery -_-

        • Firstly, that's 5 blades and your deal only has 4. Shaver Shop also has stores in shopping centres across the country so people can easily pop in after a grocery shop instead of getting delivery.

          • @ascorbic: Well, if you are ordering online - per blade, shaver shop (with delivery) is $4.58 per blade.
            Smooth Sales (with delivery) is $3.98 per blade. If you buy 2 lots, it drops down to $2.98 per blade - still better value for money.

    • I despise how the razor model works, not so much because of the prices but because of the environmental impact. The whole point of reusable handles is to… well, to reuse them. What's the point if it's cheaper to just buy a whole new handle+4 razors every single time? That's basically a hunk of metal and plastic being thrown out for no good reason every 2-3 months.

  • +6

    Gillette still playing with funny ads on YouTube? I have not purchased any products, or thought about them since forever now.

    • -3

      they have definitely missed you…

      • +2

        Well they shouldn`t have, and neither did I miss them. What they did miss is probably that 30% of their share price lost in 2019, and $5billion in revenue they missed out on.

  • -2

    Highly misleading to state a product price in title of $7.95 when the additional price of postage is unavoidable and pushes the checkout price to $15.90 for all.

    • -2

      It literally says "+ Delivery" and states the Delivery charge in the post.
      Also, it is cheaper than any other store online.

  • -8

    Good luck to anyone who gets this deal - but ill never buy Gillette or any of their products due to there Social politics push a few years ago

    happy shopping - until they apologies to all men and publicly support a 'healthy' level of masculinity i think a lot of blokes might feel the same

    Masculinity isnt the evil the media and socialist lunatics want you to believe - it is a normal part of being a man

    • -1

      Seems the only ones that were offended by that advertising campaign, were the ones that the commerical was talking about :/

      There were plenty of examples in that commercial that weren't 'masculinity', but if you think it was aimed at insulting 'your' version of masculinity then not sure that's a Gillette issue.

      It was years ago..move on :)

      • -4

        Nah ill do what i like and spend my money where i want and buying over priced razors from virtue singling companies isnt something ill change anytime soon.

        TBH i would love a company to 'buck' the tread and do the opposite of what the PC lunatic crowd wanted…then i'd buy that companies product

        • TBH i would love a company to 'buck' the tread and do the opposite of what the PC lunatic crowd wanted…then i'd buy that companies product

          I hear Schick advertising promotes pushing people out of the way on elevators, so there's that option…

          • +1

            @SBOB: i'd prefer companies stuck to business and stayed the faq out of social politics

            Maybe im old fashioned…

            • -2

              @Trying2SaveABuck: Or maybe you just don't accept social inclusion and the fact that women are people worthy of respect?

              • -3

                @[Deactivated]: im not even sure what this happens to do with women…

                But i can assure you I respect women. - and by women i mean people with a XX Chromosome

                • -2

                  @Trying2SaveABuck: I'm sure you're not sure. Obviously you didn't watch the ad and know sfa about the topic it was trying to address - with a sledgehammer unfortunately. While you're looking that up you might also do some reading about gender - it's physical, mental and chemical manifestations. Self-imposed ignorance is little better than toxic masculinity.

                  • -1

                    @[Deactivated]: Possumbly have a good life mate man/women/other whatever you are need to not care what Randoms on the internet think.

                • @Trying2SaveABuck: So you don't respect those that might have been born with swyer syndrome?
                  And some women are born with a rare disorder so that have a y chromosome.

                  Considering about 1 in 20,000 men don't have a y chromosome you must automatically disrespect them also.

                  Must be tough going through a day being so misunderstanding of genders

                  • -2

                    @SBOB: Is that what i said? all i said was i respect women with an xx chromosome

                    I never said i didnt respect people other 'women'.

                    Dont imply offense and dont put words in my mouth.

                    I am not having this debate you're clearly an idiot if you're pushing a 1/20,000 stastic which if you check you're facts is probably closer to 1/100,000

                    have a good afternoon

                    • -1

                      @Trying2SaveABuck: Your intention was obvious, otherwise you wouldn't have added the chromosome comment.

                      The numbers of people with gender/identity differences is irrelevant. They don't need your uninformed approval, they simply need you to make an effort to understand. It's a nuanced and complex world but gender, sexuality etc don't make a person - personality, integrity, honesty etc do.

                      Wrt your comment about business not getting into social issues - why exactly shouldn't they? Would you prefer them all to be socially unaccountable and ignorant - as some still are - or is it preferable that they be socially aware, inclusive, and accountable for their actions and non-actions (like slave labour)?

      • -2

        Dead right SBOB. And most of the comments from the offended either didn't watch the ad or couldn't be bothered trying to understand the message (as poorly presented as it was - imo).

        • "comments from the offend"

          Everything wrong with society - you can only be offended if you're a minority.

          • -1

            @Trying2SaveABuck: Total nonsense. What did you find offensive about the Gillette ad exactly?

  • Postage kills the deal

  • i would rather get fusion razor (5+1 blades)… this only got 2+1 blades (not sure if got a trim blade)

  • -1

    No. Don't be a woke biach

    • -2

      Cool dude. Wassup?

      In what world is respecting women "woke"? A small-minded, self-centred, populist, ignorant, entitled, immature, right-wing one maybe?

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