PlayStation®5 Console with Additional DualSense Wireless Controller- Bundle
Get in quick, it's the disk version. And please remember cashback!
Edit: I should've really ordered mine before posting hahahahaha :')
PlayStation®5 Console with Additional DualSense Wireless Controller- Bundle
Get in quick, it's the disk version. And please remember cashback!
Edit: I should've really ordered mine before posting hahahahaha :')
It’s bargained before it came at OzBargain
2 minutes. I thought these were going to get easier to get, not harder.
Is this cd version?
You mean disk version, yes.
You mean the disc version
Wow, I get negged for typo :(
the disq version?
No. VHS version
not to be pedantic but its blu-ray, not 'disk' version.
I thought it was the laserface version, I mean laserdisk, oops laserdisc.
I thought it was UHD, not blu-ray
@Hybroid: cool that im getting downvoted for pointing out that disk is the wrong terminology for both a blu-ray drive and compact disc as a format.
sperg on ozbarg.
@Laserface: Nope, you're quite correct. Many people don't know difference between disk and disc. It may be because you replied to the incorrect person though.
My comment was factual too yet clearly someone disagreed. Meh, to each their own.
@Laserface: You're getting downvoted because you went full "ACK-SHU-ALLY" even though everybody and their dog knew they meant "the round shiny thing with data on it"
@Scrobo: Nope, most standard Blu-Ray drives can't play BD100 discs which are required for 4K UHD. They're usually BD25 or BD50 compatible instead which is 1080p.
Is this cd version?
No, this is not the CompletelyDigital version.
no it's the 5¼-inch floppy disk drive, double sided high density, 1.44mb version.
Ozbargained. Website so slow now.
500 Error… how can it die so easily lol
Unable to load. I keep getting 505 lol
"Unfortunately, some products in your basket have been amended due to insufficient stock."
If you're trying to get a PS5, you can't rely on OzBargain. Try the twitter and discord channels set up specifically for this.
I got mine by seeing Ozbargain post. The difference was the seller. Amazon tends to have more stocks
Got 3 via ozbargain. Different retailers. Different months. No correlation. To be clear I proceeded with 1 and I had plenty of opportunity to cancel the other 2 I had made after 100% securing stock. Was once an Xbox dude. First PlayStation in my life - love it! To your point though I believe a keen eye on ozbargain results in securing one. My tip is ignore the front page - focus from time to time on the deals listed in recent seconds/minutes that may only have a few upvotes. That's how to get one, it'll happen eventually.
By the time an ozbargain post is created they're always sold out. Follow PS5 stock alerts Australia on twitter and turn on notifications, you have to be lightning fast.
Shhh lol
is there a similar twiiter feed for xbox series x? found ps5 one but cant find one for Xbox
Yup this pls. I need one to play FS2020.
Yes XboxStockAlertsAU on twitter i got a xbox series x from them today.
It's American? Which store did you get it from today? :)
Looks to be completely gone now, page isn't even showing up
Manage to add one to my cart, went to check out and the site crashes…
At target head office, before the staff click the button to list this on website they will already called his her friends to get ready to buy
They would have done that the first few times they had stock, I'm sure that all of their friends and family and friends friends and friends family already have 2 each by now. If you want a PS5, it's just a matter of effort ;-)
just got one.. try again>>>>>>>
Still nothing for me…
Thanks OP. Managed to get the PS3.
Happy days.
Broden is that you?
Nice, let us know if you manage to pick up a PS5
I'll pick up the PS5 when the PS8 is out.
See you in 2053.
Hopefully they'll have production sorted by then.
PS5 Stock Alerts Australia
Those of you who missed Target, I'm still banking on Amazon dropping today. Keep an eye out!
I'll have an alert when they drop if they do, which they usually do, later today is likely.…
Or they can just keep it at currently unavailable because people.are already selling it out when it was priced normally.
Will you update in the comments or just make a new post?
I don't need one, just like to help others. Probably won't post anything. Best to check twitter and set an alert.
Also, the above comment is copied from twitter, so its not me saying I.
I've got one and received confirmation email from Target
I have another page open and I just clicked to add to basket and it is added! I think this order also can be completed, any one interested I can give you access to my computer to try complete the order. PM me !
Update: sorry it is gone!
No it won't go through, it is not reserved. Had same thing but removed from cart after going through the payment page.
this second windows didn't worked . but I start to complete my order at 12:54 PM AEST,
Less than a minutes order completed and got a confirmation email at 12:54 too
Unfortunately youre competing against bots that scrape every retailers website and autopurchase stock so its extremely unlikely to get a ps5 for some time.
They should apply a SMS generation code or captcha code to "stop the bots"
Why, the stores dont really care, they get their money from bots or humans.
As it's with the extra controller in a bundle it's a bit of a deterrent for the scalpers, which is good.
I literally looked at the PS5 page for Target at 11am, and they got in stock at 12?
Early worm did not catch this bird!
Hahaha I just happened to look at 12pm and there was nothing. This came out at like 12:15 or something
Hitman 3
Farcry 5
Mortal Kombat ultimate
All PS5, mate offered to me for $120. Is that worth it? I don't have any ps5 games yet
It really depends when you planning to get PS5. If soon then yes, if later in few years then probably not. I don't plan to buy PS5 anytime soon so I don't buy any PS5 games unless it is really cheap (like PS4 cheap games pricing).
I have one in a box, just been clearing my PS4 and getting ready to transfer it over.
If you have PS+, make sure save uploads synced. For the rest, just redownload fresh copies of the games you want and avoid transferring over. Takes very long and plenty have had issues and errors. Not worth it. Leave it downloading in rest mode overnight.
@Hybroid: What's uploads synched?
I have PS+ but haven't actually put it up yet. Should I do that first and let is synchronise?
Only played warzone really, maybe COD WW2 I have some progression, but that's it.
@[Deactivated]: Make sure games saves are synced with PS+ cloud then just download and install games fresh on PS5. It will automatically import your saves.
Damnit… missed an opportunity to purchase a 3rd PS5 >.<
Lol if only I said what I'm up to :)
I'm 3 hours too late :'(
At this rate, I'll get my ps5 in 3 years time.
No thanks. My current router works just fine.