Been waiting for a sale on the NHD 885MSB for my Swann NVR 8580 for a few years now.
Usually priced at $249.95 for 1 camera now I can get a 4 pack for the same price so jumped on it straight away.
Note: Must require a compatible Swann NVR
Been waiting for a sale on the NHD 885MSB for my Swann NVR 8580 for a few years now.
Usually priced at $249.95 for 1 camera now I can get a 4 pack for the same price so jumped on it straight away.
Note: Must require a compatible Swann NVR
Not on topic but: I bought a DVR kit about 3 years ago, recorder crapped itself last year after resetting/freezing for about a year. Wasted money on a new HDD as well. Bought a Watchguard CVR8COM recorder off InFront Tech and it's been good. Cameras are fine but I wouldn't trust Swann recorders.
Fantastic deal, but how do you know which NVR's are compatible?
Will be listed under specifications in the link
Anyone happen to know if it would work with an NVR8-7400 considering it uses POE also (it's not listed int he Compatible Products list, but thought I'd ask just in case)?
Apparently not compatible
thank you for the quick reply.
so i just need a NVR recorder?
What else we need to buy with these? Can someone add the links please ?
Thanks mate.. so it will be 1k all up. do you think it will be better
than below?…
yes the bunnings is DVR but this is NVR
Since these are IP cameras shouldn't these cameras work with any IP NVRs?
Is it true 4K?
Yes it is true and not upscaled
These did not stay in stock for long.
if it is still in your cart they with each refresh it will reduce price by 10%
Would have worked nice with Milestone Xprotect…damn, missed it!
Any inputs to buy nvr recorder separately?