Where in Melbourne can i buy cheap foam mattresses for the spare bed or floor when I have guests etc? Like the kind that can be folded and easily carried in a car. I have looked at IKEA but I hear they use non-standard sizes and wont fit the normal size bed if I ever needed to put it on a bed?
Cheap foam mattresses

Definitely Clark Rubber
What size bed? Single, Double, Queen etc??
What depth of Foam do you want? Ranges from about 4 inch up to about 8 inch Anything less then 4' and they may as well sleep on the floor (always good for the 'out'-laws if you don't want them to stay for very long) or you can get them thicker but when you hit 8" size you may as well pay a little extra for a better quality spring mattress.
Folded and easily carried in a car? If it's a 'classic' foam mattress, once folded it'll want to spring right back into shape, not the kind of thing you want in a car! They will generally compress quite thinly over time, so not the most comfortable long term option, unless you get one with REALLY dense foam to begin with!
What about looking for a camping mattress designed to be rolled up (if there is such a thing).
Thanks, Clark Rubber seems to have what I want and there is one in my area too! Just moved from NZ so not sure what the equivalent shops here are.
How much is cheap???
Clark rubber do things like this I think but I'm in Sydney, not sure about Melbourne.