This was posted 3 years 8 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Cadbury 50g Neapolitan Bar @ My 7-Eleven App


This popular freebie is back on the My 7-Eleven app today only!

You will have to scroll down a little to find it or just scan your card in app.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    It may be free but it's pretty awful

  • Perfect for a pre-lockdown snack!

    • u ahve 5 hours u better be quick and find one!

  • +3

    store owners will be hiding those back in the storeroom and say its out of stock.. happens all the time.

    • +6

      Not really. I didn't know about this offer and went for petrol, the guy at the counter gave me a bar proactively.

      • +2

        It's bad enough that even they don't want to keep it around

    • -1

      What proof do you have to make that slur against the staff?
      What you imagine after finding no stock left when you turn up??
      That's no proof! That's venting - disappointed you missed out & want to blame others!

      But people want to believe this, as shown by the negs coming in!!!

      Never had that problem.
      My local staff are great - knowing I only come in for freebies.
      Picked up one of the many on the shelf @3pm.

      I've seen staff restocking free items during the day at a few stores I visited over so many offers. Only missed out about once - was far to late & all had been given out.

      When I told my local 7-Eleven manager the stories on OzBargain - he laughed & said why would he waste his time doing that to risk complaints & his job!
      He has a nickname for me - "Mr Free"😃

      • what proof? because i saw it at the back! i asked the staff and thy just brushed it off.. and this didnt just happen with one store.

        just because you got lucky with your "local store" doesnt mean the rest of us should. and dont go accusing people venting it away and blaming others. what madness made up mentality is that? Mr free. i got a better name for you "el cheapo"? you must be one spoiled cheapo keyboard warrior brat sitting at home leeching on your parents money and bragging and proud of it. Go earn some decent wages and get a life el cheapo

        • -3

          Now that's some venting!
          So much pent up anger!!
          And very incorrect assumptions, typical of those who vent!

          • @INFIDEL: speak for yourself el cheapo. lol

          • -1

            @INFIDEL: Have a read about the ineffectiveness of venting as a form of complaining..

            3 types of complaining
            Venting is expressing emotional dissatisfaction. It turns out that people who vent have an agenda.
            They tend to be focused on themselves and their own—presumably negative—experience. By showing their anger, frustration, or disappointment, they are soliciting attention from their confidantes. They can feel validated by receiving attention and sympathy.
            Venters are particularly likely to discount advice and proposed solutions to their problems. They aren’t looking to solve anything; they simply want validation.

            Of course venters deny that they are venting & attack anyone who says so…

            • @INFIDEL: yes yes el cheapo.. lol. is that what u tell yourself every night?

              • @ruztynail: No I sleep well at night - not having to dream up things to attack others.

        • Making up false stories about things & people you know nothing of…
          Name calling…
          (Tip: it doesn't work on people secure in who they are. It just makes me laugh at your obvious limited understanding of life, but believing you know.)
          How old are you? 12 it seems.

          Believing it makes what you say true…
          Seems you'd say anything to "prove" you're right… It doesn't!

          Certainly destroys any belief in your story of what you think you saw (imagined) at 7-Eleven!!
          As questionable as the rest of your false ranting!

          Sounds more like your imagined & incorrect description of me is far more fitting of you??
          Maybe Freud was right about Projection🤣

          What you say is delusional. But totally predictable in a hardened Venter!

          RUOK? Consider seeking help.

          More likely you are happy to remain ignorant… (Supported by those around you who do the same. As with anything we become dependent upon - a difficult cycle to break without help.)

          Your comments just help lend support to the interesting discussion & research into Venting!!
          Was an interest of mine in my studies. And frequently seen here when people miss out on Deals they thought they were "entitled" to!

          Like the term "Broden" for those buying up big in Deals, maybe "Ruztynail" will be used for those Venting when they miss out on Deals🤣

          I've had enough laughs.
          I'll have to charge a consultation fee to continue💰 Somehow, I don't think you could afford my rates🤣

          • @INFIDEL: i love how i am wasting your time. keep it up el cheapo. making old mama proud. lol.

            • +2

              @ruztynail: Oh, I'm being efficient - bookmarking this to link to when others do a "Ruztynail" - misguidedly believing their own Venting 🤣

              Revising an academic field I love & laughing so much is never a waste of time! Thanks, young'un👍

              • @INFIDEL: lol. anymore comments el cheapo? i now hv a stalker lol. sadly its a dude.. tats a first.

                • +1

                  @ruztynail: Sure - I've got all night.
                  (But professional advice is confidential & billed.)

                  As for your lame "el cheapo", that's why I'm on OzBargain. So everyone here is an "el cheapo"! Most prefer "tightarse" etc.
                  I like "Mr Free" - said with an Indian accent of course.

                  My friends know me for my frugal ways & have much more original & inventive names for me. I accept them.with a certain pride.

                  I've written here about so many free adventures overseas. Frequently have my meals paid for in restaurants & was given us$200 while hitchhiking on an island in Japan… My nickname there is "Very Lucky"😉

                  This chocolate was after a free movie, free Coke, free popcorn, free travel & half price Malaysian lunch. Pretty normal day off.

                  • -1

                    @INFIDEL: yes Bruce.. keep em coming. do all singaporeans/malaysians in QLD talk like you? geeez get a grip mate.

                    • @ruztynail: I wouldn't know. Once again, you're wrong - misguided by your imagination!
                      You're just jealous, la!
                      And nothing you write sticks.

                      • @INFIDEL: lol. you are quicker to reply now. no more fancy long paragraphs? or did i uncover something personal?

                        • @ruztynail: No, I have things to do now, like cooking. So there will be a break in transmission.

                          I have 21+k comments - some long & detailed of my frugal experiences. If you are missing my writings already🤣

                          Yes - my name is prominently displayed phonetically in Kanji with every post. Thanks for noticing😉

                          • -1

                            @INFIDEL: yes Bruce.. bragging about the 21k+ comments your have? virtual friends and family too? alright i sorta understand the frustration. neve been there before but guessing covid did hit you pretty badly huh? its alright Bruce.. you'd find a friend soon. probably the servo's manager might be your friend.. since he is keen and likes to give you freebies. =p

                            • @ruztynail: Again you're making up stories trying to convince yourself its true!

                              Best to seek professional help with this matter. Talk it over with your GP, who can give you a referral.


                              • -3

                                @INFIDEL: awwwww.. whats wrong mate? leaving so soon? did i just hurt your feelings? i am venting here. dont you get triggered when someone vents at you? arent you in lockdown? plenty of time to spare dont ya?

        • He went to every store and they were like oh god it's him again hahah

    • Shops have stock rooms. Deliveries go in, stock is moved out onto shelves when needed. People buy stock. That's how retailers operate!

      But at times (like these promotions) people do buy stock faster than stock can be moved back onto shelves. Restocking depending on staff available to notice stock is no longer available on shelf & free to restock.

      7-11 often only has 1 staff in a small store. They can't leave the counter at busy times - to check shelves & restock.

      As I have suggested in supermarket Deals, when you can't find stock on the shelf in a store - ASK!

      Regularly need to ask at major supermarkets, and often they find stock in the stockroom.

      I've needed to ask at several 7-11 for the freebies. Staff may say they are busy & to wait. But if there was stock in the stockroom - they brought it out.

      Other 7-11 placed the freebies by the counter to help customers, not on the usual shelf. I couldn't find it on the shelf, was shown it was in front of the counter.

      Its always better to ASK than complain!

  • +1

    Let me predict the future - yep, out of stock everywhere, and none left to restock.

    • +5

      There is stock in the store room out the back.

    • out of stock everywhere…
      Absolutely wrong!

      Proof: Plenty on shelf of local 7-Eleven well over 2 hours after your prediction!
      And as shown by others comments below… Who found plenty.

  • +3

    Out of stock at my local.
    Once the delivery truck comes in at 1am tomorrow there will be plenty in stock.

  • +1

    No big loss, it's cadbury and it's the worst cadbury chocolate bar they have ever made. No wonder they have been giving them away.

  • +1

    Got one. Thanks. Plenty at 7-Eleven across the road from melb southern cross station.

    • +2

      and everyone is right - these taste - ummm…. how do I say it politely? its not good. Not very good at all.

      • So the price is right?

  • +1

    Just got one (of many on the shelf) in Bluff Road 7-Eleven.

    It's meh, but it's free. Not bad overall.

  • -1

    It may be free, but these things are horrible.

  • +1

    It’s an acquired taste 👅

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Plenty at Crows Nest, NSW!

    • +1

      Plenty in CBD Sydney too, no one is here.

  • It's free because it's rubbish

    • +1

      If you're talking about nutrition, then yes, but so are the free muffins, slices and donuts. Slurpies too.

  • +3

    Thought it would taste like a bad protein bar from the comments, but I must say it was pretty good!

  • +2

    It's not as bad as people are saying. It's mostly just white chocolate. Yes, I did find it on the shelf at 7 eleven, and got it free.

  • Too sweet

  • +1

    Just went to Chapel St store (next to Prahran town hall) and there's still half a box sitting on the counter if anyone is down this way

  • Got one last time is very sweet … too sweet tasting

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