Not much more to say really.. one is a baby, 3 are toddlers and the other 3 are 8yo+
Will reply when I find some time in my hectic life :)
Not much more to say really.. one is a baby, 3 are toddlers and the other 3 are 8yo+
Will reply when I find some time in my hectic life :)
They have 7 children!!
So… 7 times they've done it
Yep, definitely more than some members 😂
🤔 …”they” spent majority of their time, ripping into others with “innocence” questions, particularly those that are not like them… 😂
well could be twins or triplets
That depends. If they've two pairs of twins, then they've done it only 5 times. 😆
7 times more then you spackbace?
that depends if they are all from the same stud ;)
Pretty good. You hear some horror stories from new parents about the lack of a sex life but we've always made time for eachother, which is probably how we ended up with 7 kids lol
1 question… why?
Because they're pretty awesome
I still dont get it.I have 1 child and thats enough for me.I can understand wanting 2 kids but 7?? Whats the point?
It's almost like different people like different things?
@brendanm: The person above asked a question that fit under the category of 'anything'.
What's yours?
@magic8ballgag: Not only had the question already been answered here, an AMA doesn't stop anyone else from commenting.
@magic8ballgag: No, they seemed fairly insistent that because they aren't interested in doing it, no one else should be. At any rate, I'm allowed to state my opinion, and did so. If you don't like it, you are free to say so, but to say I shouldn't be allowed to comment is a bit silly isn't it.
No, they seemed fairly insistent that because they aren't interested in doing it, no one else should be.
I think you overread their comment.
If you don't like it, you are free to say so, but to say I shouldn't be allowed to comment is a bit silly isn't it.
No one stated that you were not allowed to comment.
No one stated that you were not allowed to comment.
Then why did you reply to my comment initially?
@magic8ballgag: What relevance did this have to the conversation?
If it was truly just a question in isolation, then why reply with:
The person above asked a question that fit under the category of 'anything'.
What's yours?
Seems like you didn't like me replying to them.
@brendanm: My comment had as much relevance as yours. We're free to comment whatever we like, right?
@magic8ballgag: So in other words, you were suggesting I shouldn't comment, admits an AMA. Thanks for confirming.
@magic8ballgag: I do. Could have just admitted you didn't like the comment to begin with, would have saved a lot of effort.
@brendanm: Nothing to do with you mate. Lorindor just does not like comments he does not agree with ;)
@brendanm: I never stated there was any effort involved, you seem to be pretty good at putting words in other's keyboards.
I hope you're not going to let them have the last word, Lorindor?
to claim government benefits?
@WhatWhoWhyUsername: As long as these other 2 don't have kids were all sweet. Hurts the brain reading people argue over literal crumbs.
Are you catholic?
This would have been opposite if you were in 3rd World Country as well as we are lucky to have support from Govt
Well done to you, mate.
Kids are great no matter how hard it felt at the time.
My partner and I have 5 altogether! I have 3 and he has 3 as well :3
My sister has 5 kids. My son says they have so many because they keep trying to get one as awesome as him and I stopped because you can't improve on perfection.
Your son is a legend.
Hi what is your salary? How can you afford 7 kids?
$115k. Food is probably the most expensive aspect but buying in bulk and planning meals to minimise wasteagae and get value for money, saves a small fortune.
is it $115k per parent or total household income ?
Are you kidding?Guess how much childcare will cost for 7 children?
@sagrules: Yep you need to find a mate with similar circumstances and place your kids in each other's childcares!
@drprox: This loophole was closed for family day carers. You couldn't claim on the same day you provide care. It was a wide spread "scam" at one stage.
It will be 115K
plus family tax A
plus family tax B
plus parenting payment partnered
plus all the other government benefits.
your point being?
A very logical one is that the cost of bringing up that many children is not supported by an income at that level unless there is govt assistance.
@mdavant: lol nah we know someone with 4 kids on benefits (she's sick, he's a loser, ok so 5 kids) she feeds them but the school clothes them (with uniforms anyway)
I agree. This would have been different if you dont have Govt support
Our population growth is stalling which is why government provides support for those makin’ babies.
Remember the ‘have one for mum, one for dad and one for the country’ call in early 2000’s
Government holds the levers that can influence people’s behaviours.
I have no issues paying taxes for FTB etc.
Just pointing out the error / misleading costs in raising 7 kids.
It's far cheaper to bump up immigration. This is simply vote buying.
@doheedo: To be frank, the only reason we ‘need’ population growth is to support the false economy of the capitalist system we live in. The whole market is designed to create more demand so there can be continued economic growth.
I know that sounds very commie, but can anyone give me a single reason, other than creating demand and having more consumers to create and spend, for endless population growth?
@Vote for Pedro: Whilst I agree, one argument is that the oldies want to retire early.
You should have to be financially independent to retire. Not currently the case.
@Vote for Pedro: Not sure we need growth per se but we at minimum need replacements so there's someone to look after all us middle aged people when we get old.
@barcer: We don’t need growth. The system needs growth. Imagine if company on the ASC said “there’ll be profit, but profit growth forecasts are flat”. How do you create profit growth? Create new markets or expand existing markets.
And yes, i know that’s simplistic but generally speaking, thats how it is.
@Vote for Pedro: Because you need young people working and paying taxes to support health care costs and pension for old people
Your partner won't get parenting payment too high income.
Family tax payments A and B also would be reduced due to the income.
All other government benefits would be reduced also
Though I'm not sure what else that would be ? Apart from what you have listed already?
I have 4 kids and earn just a little over.
Other govt assistance is incredible.
One that people often overlook is private health rebate etc
There are very few people who do not get some government handup/out (depending on who you talk to)
Problem is that most people don't think they get govt assistance and bemoan those who get nothing.
What about current iteration of jobkeeper, the occasional 500-1000 handout ,health care cards, rent assistance, austudy, no need to pay certain levies.
family payments for sure, but no parenting payment partnered with that income. and what 'other' benefits do you they get? would you rather this money was spent on boosting coffers for the retired?
I have outlined many payments that go to people.
There are far more benefits than family tax benefit.
I don't mind investing in the future generation
As for the retired, I have no need to go that far off topic, but I will say one thing there to help placate your pseudo-strawman, I think that the ppor needs to be means tested.
@mdavant: and I just want people to start understanding, that family tax benefit and child care is based on different set of legislation (and income tests), compared to any other Centrelink payment. So when it comes to payments from Centrelink (i.e. federal gov payments), OP would not be entitled to anything else, based on their income.
it's a big misconception out there, that needs to be understood better.
@cheekymonkey: I bet that the op is entitled to more than FTB.
Afai am aware over 270k income is when you become independent
And I just want other people to know that I haven't mentioned childcare, that is your puppy.
You keep trying to bring me into your strawman arguments
@mdavant: As you are stating incorrect facts and further spreading these rumours.
That income figure you stated is not right. Cut offs are much, much lower then that.
@cheekymonkey: The fact that you don't believe that the op is entitled to more than FTB shows you have no idea. I was going for the flavour of the kinds of things that people claim.
I am not an authority on Centrelink / government benefit cutoffs as I have been earning too much for years ( eg no private health rebate etc.)
Even so I guarantee that the op qualifies for more than FTB part a.
Private health rebate is one they definitely get.
So perhaps instead of pontificating, and strawmanning, you can advise me on what you know they are eligible for instead of pretending that they are only entitled to FTB part a
@mdavant: They're obviously entitled to all that other free money and rebates you are imagining. Probably given out at the hospital, after your 3rd kid is born. Just bags of cash
@cheekymonkey: I have no problem investing in the future generation.
Stop strawmanning, it is not a good quality and you are making yourself look like a buffoon.
Obviously you are sensitive to the topic.
It is not my fault that you are pretending that a person on an average family income with 7 kids doesn't get generous government assistance.
@mdavant: No evidence, no knowladge of the specifics, just an assumption that someone gets gov money because they have more kids than the average.
That's your whole argument.
@cheekymonkey: Pity that anyone with Google would prove me right. The system is designed that way
Even plain old vanilla FTB part functions like that.
It is like having a discussion with a 14 year old.
Seriously, I am waiting my time on a troll. A pontificating, strawmanning troll.
You know how the system works, you probably work it, you are just pretending to be ignorant, well you must be
@mdavant: As you said in previous comments "you're just going for the flavour"- the vibe.
But you still fail to point out any other payments OP may get, because he has 7 kids. You've only mentioned general payments/rebates a lot of people are entitled to anyway, irrespective of number of kids. That's my only point.
But you can't accept that counter argument and go on attack…like your comments directly above.
@cheekymonkey: No you just make up strawman arguments and then run away from them when you are wrong.
You are clearly wrong and just arguing for arguments sake.
I have too much to do in the real world as opposed to schooling you. Perhaps you could use Google.
I don't need to Google anything centrelink
@mdavant: As apparently I'm only 14, I'm not allowed to use google without my parents permission. They're worried I'll come across bitter people, who argue with emotion and not facts.
Enjoy your real world stuff, hope it's not too hard.
@cheekymonkey: See you can't even get that right.
I never said you are 14 years old.
Strawmanning again and again and again.
Still, only one of us has it correct. And it only took one piece of evidence to prove you wrong.
Anybody knows that people with more children receive greater benefits than equivalent people with the same income.
It is
Common sense
But not understood by the very very few
@mdavant: Mate wtf are you on about? I get less than what OP is on and get no benefits as income is TOO high.
So, please outline the benefits and income limits??? SO I CAN CLAIM THEM LOL
As I was not ineligible to get anything. Childcare doesn't apply to me.
@RocketSwitch: Do you have 7 children?
If you look at FTB a you get it at that income and the threshold goes up with each child.
How many children do you have and what is your income.
What I posted is accurate
@RocketSwitch: I also didn't mention childcare.
Perhaps you can discuss this with the person who brought that up.
I'm nowhere near that, and I cannot get any benefits, so plus nothing for this guy.
You don't have 7 kids. But thanks for confirming that benefits increase with more children.
That is the way it should be.
Benefits increase depending on need.
@mdavant: It doesn't go up by much. I have 2. I think I can get $30 now. The benefits really are for people who are struggling, I mean really struggling. That's what tax has always been about anyway.
But having a family to get benefits really isn't the way. And if you are getting these benefits then you really must need them.
@RocketSwitch: I have no problem with FTB structures, as I have pointed out.
All I pointed out was that the op's costings were misleading.
Then along come people who obviously are narky about that simple fact.
It possibly comes down to the fact that a lot of Australians believe that they don't receive anything from the govt (in the payment/rebate sense) but a vast majority do.
Eg private health rebate is the one which comes to mind. It is not universal and looks like it cuts out at 280k income, if there is a benefit that cuts out higher than this I am unaware of it.
I don't think if you earn over 280k you really need too much govt assistance!
@RocketSwitch: I think you're underestimating how much the limits go up by….If you have 6 children, it's a 187+k cap for FTB Part A and that's anywhere from $61 to $191 per fortnight per child. Only 1 child is 12, so most are going to get that upper payment amount. That's a substantial boost to the household income.
@whitelie: Yeah, but the vast majority are not having 6 children and if they are, they're going to need all the help they can get.
How’s your sex life?