Some more interesting freebie history books. Not sure how long they stay free so grab them as soon as possible if you want them.
All books are highly rated and free at the time of posting.
PLEASE check if they are still free BEFORE you use the 1-click option to buy!
Children To A Degree: Growing Up Under the Third Reich:…
(I will leave this here even though this is already in the main link so people do not complain this books is missing for Australia.)
The Life of George Washington: Complete Edition (Vol. 1&2):
The Vikings: Explore the Exciting History of the Viking Age and Discover Some of the Most Feared Warriors:…
Greek Mythology: Explore The Timeless Tales Of Ancient Greece, The Myths, History & Legends of The Gods, Goddesses, Titans, Heroes, Monsters & More:
India: History of India: From Prehistoric Settlements to the Modern Republic of India:
US Links:
Children To A Degree: Growing Up Under the Third Reich:…
The Life of George Washington: Complete Edition (Vol. 1&2):
The Vikings: Explore the Exciting History of the Viking Age and Discover Some of the Most Feared Warriors:…
Greek Mythology: Explore The Timeless Tales Of Ancient Greece, The Myths, History & Legends of The Gods, Goddesses, Titans, Heroes, Monsters & More:
India: History of India: From Prehistoric Settlements to the Modern Republic of India:
Thanks op, I used to think the main book is missing, now I always click on the picture link but now also worked out your post always post main book link as well. So I stopped clicking on the picture link if I know it is from you.