Looking to get an inexpensive monitor to use with my consoles (ps4) and possibly my laptop for productivity, size doesn't matter as much, 24" or above is fine
I've heard great things about AOC but became confused when compared with Dell's (ultra sharp) and all the models they have. Dont really wanna spend a lot, hoping to lock it down at 150-200$
If anyone of you guys knew a decent monitor that gets the job done on the cheaper side, it'd be greatly appreciated. Always used my laptop for work, making this my first monitor purchase, so any recommendations are appreciated
What specs are important to you? An ideal monitor spec for gaming isn't the same as a productivity one. Size should matter, 24" is way too small for both gaming as well as spreadsheets. Beyond that, preference on panel type, higher Hz, low response times etc?
I don't see the point in just getting "whatever will do within budget", it's one of the most important parts of the experience. Considered getting a second hand used one?