I found out this in the BIG W catalogue and purchased one .very happy with the product and i reckon at $3.33 a bottle it is very cheap as you get 2 teats for around 7 or 8 dollars.so considering that it is a bragain IMHO.
Phillips Avent 3pk 260ml BPA Free Feeding Bottles for $9.97

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Price in the title would be handy!
price added .Thanks for pointing it out.Thanks
Great find Mazeem82!
Do you know if this is suitable for newborns? There is no mention of it on the site.
I was always under the impression that the newborn-suitable teat was usually what they come with bargaingirl. I'd gotten some though was able to check for you - they're for 1month+
Im pretty sure the smaller bottles DO come with a newborn teat.
Thanks Geewhizz for checking :-)
comes with No 2 teats.
for our newborn, we found No 1 teats worked better.
Note if you go online Avent also has free shipping this week
It IS a good buy Mazeem82. I'm surprised it hasn't been posted already. They were out of stock online last week very early on the day it started , but appear to be back in stock. With free delivery, too.
As good a special on the little ones would be fantastic.