Spirit Essences as Booze Free Alternative

My mrs is a fan of Bacardi & coke, but we're trying to get pregnant. In anticipation of her getting knocked up I'm looking at possible booze free alternatives for her, so she can still enjoy a "drink".

Would mixing a few drops of white rum spirit essence with Coke be remotely a) palatable and/or b) taste like a rum & coke?



  • +2

    Here is some inspiration.

    What is FAS

    After researching this for 5 minutes you can spot whose mothers drank during pregnancy a mile away. Sad days.

  • +1

    Cannot comment specifically, but did come across this company in Perth a few weeks back which is interesting as a non-drinker:


    Haven't done any comparison in terms of prices, but was going to pick up one of their mix packs at some point to try something other than Nort (which is my go-to from Dan Murphy's). Probably doesn't help you if not in Perth as not sure they currently ship, but I am sure there are similar options in other states.


    • Thanks mate, if there's a viable alternative, we'll take it. Friday Bacardi & coke is a ritual for us!

    • There's a new fancy Coles in Chatswood that has these fancy no alcohol spirits. Look like straight whiskey or gin, but not. Ingredients looked like a bunch of sugar and flavours though, and seemed a bit pricey like the real thing.

      As a drinker, I wonder if these are able to simulate the "kick" in the taste of spirits, or if they would be like when I've left a shot of whiskey out the night before and the alcohol has all evaporated, leaving something that resembles the unpleasant taste of spirits without the reward of inebriation.

      Mocktails make sense though, since they tend to mask a lot of the alcohol anyway.

  • +1

    Maybe she could smoke cigarettes as an alternative.

    • +2

      Well it was that or meth, they're about the same price these days…

  • +3

    But we're trying to get pregnant

    You'll find it easier if just one of you tries to get up the duff


  • +1


    Wait, isn't this what lead some people to get pregnant? :D

    • My parents, apparently, but according to the boss (who is actually a doctor), drinking lowers the chance for females to conceive, hence she has cut back. We're looking for a solution for when she is pregnant / breastfeeding. I see there's one called Lyres that looks promising.

  • +1

    All you can do is give it a try. There are many different brands, al of varying concentrates. Usually they will be called White Rum, or Baccara.
    EG Still Spirits, Edwards, Prestige, Essencia, Willards. They usually start @ $6 a bottle.
    Some smell and taste perfumey.
    There is also an Alcohol free Bottleshop that recently opened in Sydney.
    If she likes Gin, she could try mixing it with Juniper Berries?
    Also, try Carlton zero. It's more a malt style so is not very 'beer-like', or Great Northern zero alcohol.

    • I've drunk a lot of zero percent beers (best were Holsten & Nort), and have to say Carlton Zero was about the worst thing I have ever had. One sip and whole 6pack down the sink! Appreciate the link to the botteshop though!

      • +1

        Mu son gave me about 30 bottles, so it became an acquired taste. His MIL, works in a club (in the ACT), and apparently they are given a certain amount to giveaway to the designated driver (usually if they are a pensioner). They when they get close to expiring, they have to be 'disposed of'.
        I've seen Holsten is @$26 a case, so I'll give it a try.
        Bottleshops need to start putting 6 packs in their fridges/coolroom.
        Caltex had them in their fridges up until a year ago.

        • You're not wrong, every time I go to buy a case there's nothing cold.

          • +1

            @Ham Dragon: I did a search on 'Non-alcohol shop sydney' and a few other stores also came up.
            Still spirits is probably the best of the essences. Edwards and essencia tend to have a perfume smell to them.
            Lyres might be a good alternative like you have found. It's crazy how most non-alcoholic products cost more, but usually because of the process involved etc. Whereas it's @$20 Excise on a 700ml Spirit at 38%

            • @BewareOfThe Dog: Looks like they're making a killing. It's looking more and more the "bespoke" option (Lyres etc) will fit the bill. The spirit essences were just me being a cheapskate. I'll give both a go - test them personally, but if the fancy booze free rum is better, we'll use that, as long as she's happy!

              • +1

                @Ham Dragon: Just remember, if the essence doesn't work out, you can always add it to a bottle of unscented clean vodka, and save it for post pregnancy. Essences have a BBE on most bottles, but once mixed don't go off (unless dairy is involved).

  • +9

    Genuinely curious: Why not just… stop drinking for the period? Why the need to replace it with something else that isn't it.

    • +1

      Breaking habits is very difficult.

      • Oh I see, was wondering why the need for a substitute. To each their own I suppose.

    • She is stopping drinking, before & during the anticipated pregnancy, hence we're looking for a alcohol free substitute. With all of the booze free options around now, you can have the proverbial cake and eat it.

      • +1

        those essences aren't booze free. even booze free booze isn't 100% booze free (same with things like ginger beer).

        Seems like a short time in your time (9 months + breastfeeding) to give something up to have a healthy baby.

        • booze free booze isn't 100% booze free

          And the reason for that is that fresh produce isn't 100% booze free.
          Fresh fruit has alcohol and the older it gets, the more alcoholic.
          But the % volume is negligible.
          Similarly, the % alcohol in a drink with a few drops of Flavour added will be negligible.

  • In a former life, I ran QC for a Flavour making company.
    Part of the job was ensuring the flavour was consistent across batches.

    Yeah, kinda. It's not ever going to taste the same though.
    The Alcohol adds an "oiliness" to the mouthfeel which will change the perceived flavour. Same reason why Light beer tastes watery.

    • Interesting! Appreciate the insight!

      • Worth a crack.
        The cheap "spirits" like those use in UDL cans are just flavour added to watered back spirit.
        So you'll get a rum flavour somewhat like a UDL. (but minus the flavour enhancing effects of the alcohol)

    • How is your liver? :)

      • +1

        Any liver damage is definitely not as a result of tasting 0.05% v/v flavour mixed in a sugar (for sweet flavours) or brine (for savoury flavours like fish/meat) solution.
        It'll be from the Weekend Beer/Wine/Whisky sessions.

        • I wasn't sure how much of the final product you had. I knew a guy who designed a lot of the flavours for one of the companies I mentioned above. He did a great job.
          I asked him the same question and he said ask me in 10 years, but he left before then.

  • IMO it will be a lot easier to just stop drinking during pregnancy. It may be difficult at first, but like breaking any habit it get easier and easier after the first week.

    Not a hard struggle compared to actually looking after a new born. If giving up seems too difficult now, once you have your child it will seem like having a massage.

    • +1

      Again, my wife is NOT drinking booze before, during or after the pregnancy, but investigating a rum-flavoured additive that she can mix up in a mocktail. I've been very clear about that.

      • +1

        Sure I get that. I was meaning to just not imitate it either. I see how my post read, I phrased it poorly. Apologies.

        • Thanks for the reply.

  • Instead of trying to find a substitute for alcohol why not save all the money you would have spent and put it towards either something you wouldn't have normally purchased such as a treat for you both or (when restrictions are lifted) a trip or holiday?

    • +1

      All the money? We're talking 1-2 shots per week, usually just 1 drink on a Friday night. She barely touches the sauce. Pretty sure we can afford a $45 bottle of fake rum every now and then without having to sell our investment properties & share portfolio…

      • +1

        We're talking 1-2 shots per week, usually just 1 drink on a Friday night.

        Then hardly worth the effort. With a newborn just go to bed early. Much better return on investment.

  • +1

    I brew my own spirits at about 50% about.
    Was thinking about alcohol free the other night also, not for me but others who would just like a drink.
    After obtaining the alcohol from the still you add a flavouring which you buy from the brew shop. So in theory the essence is a 50ml bottle of which 25ml goes into a litre of alcohol. You could try 1lt of water as a replacement for the alcohol and add the essence at 25ml and add more to taste and it will only cost around $9 a litre.
    Worth a go for little outlay

    • That's exactly what I was thinking, water or sugar syrup so as not to dilute the mixer too much. Thanks for the reply!

  • +1

    I completely understand the ritual of a weekly tipple! We've never had to give up alcohol, but if we did, I know I'd be exactly like your wife - it's less about the alcohol (and it's effects) and more about having something special in a glass and sharing it with your loved one. 100% with you on that one!

    I can't offer any suggestions for replacements for rum/bourbon, but as a more "out there" alternative (especially when warmer days roll around again), have you tried the mocktail ice-blocks from Coles? They're surprisingly good, and it actually feels like you're having alcohol when you're not.

    Otherwise, if you can't find a replacement that tastes similar to what you're normally drinking, there are some pretty good mocktail recipes out there. There was a nice mojito one we tried a few years ago when we had some non-drinkers over for dinner. Tasted pretty close to the real thing. I don't have the recipe anymore but you'd find it by searching.

    Edit: this is the recipe we used. :)


    • Really appreciate your thoughts!

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