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[eBook] Free - Hindu Myths: Captivating Indian Myths and Legends/History of Virginia/Beekeeping for Beginners - Amazon AU/US

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Two more little freebie history books and one book for those of you who are interested in beekepping - books can be read within 2-3 hours so perfect for the commute to read on your new Kindles you have received now from Prime Day!
All books are highly rated and free at the time of posting.
PLEASE check if they are still free BEFORE you use the 1-click option to buy!

History of Virginia: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Mother of States, Starting from Jamestown through the American Revolution and the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House to the Present:

Beekeeping for Beginners: The Ultimate Beekeeping 101 Guide:

US Links:

Hindu Myths: Captivating Indian Myths and Legends from the Bhagavata Purana and Mahabharata:…

History of Virginia: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Mother of States, Starting from Jamestown through the American Revolution and the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House to the Present:

Beekeeping for Beginners: The Ultimate Beekeeping 101 Guide:


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closed Comments

  • +11

    How is it not titled Beekeeping for Beeginners. Such a wasted opportunity.

  • I thought Hindu is a religion, not a myth?

    The below is from Google definition
    Learn to pronounce
    a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.
    "ancient Celtic myths"
    folk tale
    folk story
    a widely held but false belief or idea.
    "the belief that evening primrose oil helps to cure eczema is a myth, according to dermatologists"


      Hindu mythology are found in Hindu texts such as the Vedic literature,[1] epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana,[2] the Puranas,[3] and regional literature like the Tamil Periya Puranam and the Mangal Kavya of Bengal. Hindu mythology is also found in widely translated popular texts such as the fables of the Panchatantra and the Hitopadesha, as well as in Southeast Asian texts.[4][5

        • +8

          Wait Santa is not real?

        • -3

          While you are of course entitled to your opinion, the negative vote is about the deal, not some other political or religious controversial issue or agenda.
          The deal is that there are books that normally cost money but are free now. That is what you should vote on positively or negatively (and there are rules for casting a negative vote - see guidelines).
          Just voting negative simply because you are going on about some other issue is not okay in my opinion.

          Just for your information: I actively support Turbans 4 Australia. As I said, this post has nothing to do with any religious controversy.
          Also you might consider that getting so aggressive in defense of Hinduism might not be the ideal way to portray it.

        • All religions will be extinct soon, no one needs to actively destroy :-)
          The business which took most beating during COVID!

        • +4

          I am Hindu indian, but this is a extremely offensive Reply from you man.. . Aus culture is very laid back. Everyone has a right to opinion. You got to be open minded and take a chill pill. Dont go on forums showing of your extreme opinions. You want something done about it follow formal process against the book writer or something.

      • +11

        The problem with that definition is that it belittles sacred Hindu texts to just that - a bunch of mythology. Whereas for the practising Hindu, events of the Mahabharata and Ramayana are fact, not fiction.

        • Chtulu is fact for some too. Most people would disagree though

        • -3

          Belittles how? How is calling it mythology belittling it? Do you want to take the message these sacred texts or you wanna fight that it happened for real and is not mythology? You know stones floating in water yada yada.

    • +8

      The book is not titled "Hindu religion is a myth". So I think its your comprehension which is wrong?
      It is simply retelling myths from the hindu scriptures????

    • -8

      the purpose of writing myth is to tell the world that Santa is the perfect candidate with Middle eastern person unable to save himself as a masiha . Their purpose is to promote joshua project and convert Hindus as they feel unfordable with Seeking based dharama (Sanatan Dharma). There is no Hindureligion.

      • -1

        This isn't India. You cannot harass or murder someone because they offended your religion.

        • Try that with a particular religion and you will get the answer.

          • @CheapSticks: And how are you being any different? The opposite of vice is virtue not name calling and "my religion" nonsense. Come to think of it, its not "your" religion.

        • Soon to be legislated for so should use past tense….

      • This guy is the reason my home country is (profanity). Unfortunately we have many of these. They are so stupid that they cant even see their own hypocrisy - harps on about conversion blah blah but comes to a Christian country by choice, lives here by choice, build religions temples here because liberal progressive democracy and yet has the galls to call out the people who have been nothing but gracious to lunatics like these. Thankless F

        • Christian country 😂

          • @bargainbargain: i dont like it, but its certainly a christian country. census data, court traditions, even our calendar makes that very apparent

  • +2

    Outstanding as always, Lysander!

    Arguably two of the greatest books ever posted with regards to the subject of Beekeeping and Hindu Mythology…

    Keep up the great work - and be sure to keep us informed of the always amusing anecdotes detailing your adventures as you uncover such deals and enlightening reads. Cheers.

    • +3

      Thank you. I will. Currently working on disposing an "evil queen" (lawyer) who is defending a super-ego inflated monster (my sister's soon to be ex husband) and has used illegally obtained confidential documents with legal privilege in court.
      While working out ways to sting them, I came across the beekeeping book and thought it would be perfect to post.
      Then my friend Virginia came in (as she got up) and reminded me that it was a myth an adult can only do with 4 hours sleep per night so she sent me to bed (at 6am). Before I was tucked in, I quickly managed to find a book about a Virginia and some interesting myths so I thought I post that for you. ;-)

      • +1

        Superb, both in terms of the crusades you wage and the imagery you conjure with your lucid descriptions! We are truly illuminated by the exuberance of your verbosity…

        • i thought it was defamation case scenario…

  • -7

    Intellectual limitation is the reason most westerners fail to comprehend Vedic scriptures.

    • -4

      Anything that is built on looted money and land will not understand vedic scriptures. They will be welcoming mas murderer queen family and their eco system will make sure that only christan gets a top top, while they write policies to convert others like in joshua project. That is why you see USA, Australia has a direct lobby of Christian , taking pledge on bible, which force them to think that man is supreme over woman. However, the Vedic civilisation never enforce one thinking but many thinking build the system that we operate on.

    • -1

      Ok smartypants what's 1000000 X 100000?

    • -2

      So please enlighten us on what they say? What scientific discoveries? What has it done to make your home country better? So better that you had to run away and sing the virtues in a foreign country. hypocrite. No one is dying to go to your home country, not even your own countrymen, who would marry their sisters on papers just to get a permanent visa

  • -2

    I knew I would spot a butt hurt Hindu. By the way Hinduism, if they followed the philosophy, arent supposed to be offended or butt hurt at this but whatever. Thats what religion does to people.

    • +2

      I am hindu man, usually some people who just flew from india have that mentality. Closed minded to what they have been told. If they live here a while, understand the aussie way or be a little open minded they may just take it as a joke rather than taking it so personal.

      • -3

        "….Take it as a joke" - really? Atleast if someone was to say something about my religion - I won't. May be you have weak legs.

        There are fair size of people who hv been living in Oz from various religions however it is fair to say whilst they may understand the aussie way - hardly any "little open minded" and there are numerous examples without me pointing to a certain religion.

        • -1

          See this is the exact problem with religious bigots " May be you have weak legs". They take it upon themselves to do vengeance which is quite an oxymoron given their strong belief in a malevolent god.

          P.S. I was born in a Hindu family but I couldnt care less. There should be no space either for religion or religious fanatics in 21st century

    • +2

      So according to you, you have full rights to hurt someone. Can you please honestly do the same face-face. I can tell you, you will be booked for your action. Keep your butt clean and live in peace. I know how kids were stolen by Churches, and today they even lost their names. That is what your religion does. Our talk here is to protect , and everyone has rights to protect when it is being abused by rascals.
      will you be happy that someone will abuse your parents? May be multiple parents sperm will not have this problem. One father one mother will protect their family. Similarly Hinduism talks about their parents in vedas

      Now in terms of butt hurt, that is why you don't see Hindu terrorist because we believe in ahinsa, remember Gandhi? Where as your Queen family stole and destroyed many civilisation. See Africa and asia. So who is **hole here?

      • Excuse me i have a bidet. It's extremely clean

      • -1

        I am hurt by your obtusity. Can I ask that you be made to vanish? You havent learned the first thing that religions apparently teach - Tolerance. Your tone is anything but "ahinsa". Apparently "single sperm" isnt any better looking at you and given this country was established by "multiple sperms" people, why are you even here? Do you have any spine or not or you will just lick anything just so that you can earn dollars and live a lifestyle that you could never in your home land and then show off?

        People like you shouldnt have left their homes, let alone leave their country and be allowed to live in a progressive, liberal democracy. You sir are am embarrassment.

      • +1

        Imagine if the "christian" majority or the nice local Aussie had the same intolerance about outsiders coming in, reaping the lifestyle and money, building their temples. You would be out the next flight and quite frankly you should fly out even if it isnt.

  • +4

    You know, the sad thing is I posted these books totally without any intention to cause controversy, hurt anyone's feelings etc. They were free, sounded interesting, and so I posted them.

    • +1

      And more power to you.

      Religion has invariably been the root of more conflict and destruction than most other subjects combined.

      Time to turn the other cheek, people of God. Or Vishnu…

    • +1

      I am Hindu and I don't see any reason to be offended by this book. Great job bringing the stories to a wider audience.

    • Dont worry mate. These nutbags are all around.

    • Hindu here.. Definitely not offended.. Feeling appreciative of your efforts to post a good deal about the book…more than anything else..

  • Does Hindu allow same sex marriage? Will this book tell me?

    • +1

      Well Hinduism is philosophy more than a religion and is perhaps one of the most progressive religion in the history of time. Kamasutra, erotic same sex sculptures in the temples. It gets a bad name these days because of the "nut" you just read above. So to your question, yes it would. Atleast the original would ;)

      • +1

        erotic same sex sculptures in the temples

        Example please. I'm 100% positive there is no temple in India at least that has same sex sculptures in or on it.


          Unfortunately you know jack about vedoc scriptures. You havent told me one thing you learnt from it.

          • +1

            @dealsucker: One temple with a couple of lesbian acts on it doesn't mean homosexuality was allowed according to Vedic texts, unless you can show specific quotes from Vedic scriptures that verify this otherwise. Also worth considering is whether Hindus actually treated these temples as a place of worship or not, given the explicit nature of the carvings - is there any evidence that Vedic rituals were carried out at these temples or were they ignored by society due to these sexualised and homosexual carvings?

            I actually own hard copies of the Rig, Saam, Yajur and Atharva Vedas, and have read through the Manu Smriti, along with also owning copies of the Bhagavad-Gita and Ramayana (both versions) so am well read in Hindu scriptures being a practising Brahmin. Not sure what you're after from me to prove to you though, more so who are you for me to prove anything too? Just another online troll from what I can deduce based on your comments.

            • @Trishool: Burn them all and grab a copy of the Kama Sutra.

              It will open your mind, if not necessarily any of your other cavities…

              Not that there's anything wrong with that!

            • @Trishool: A temple with lesbian act, an erotic book and that still doesn't tell you anything. Open you eyes and more importantly your mind. What is explicit to you is just another form of love making to a same sex couple and you are no one to judge them. Besides history is always written from a perspective - who knows what was originally said or done and whats written. You cannot though re-do a sculpture, thiugh, without destroying it.

              And I know everything I need to know about you when you said I am practicing "Brahmin", the so called upper caste and I am sure you enjoy the privilege as well but not here my friend. Here you are just a religions nut job and you might as well go back to your original home. But no, a practicing brahmin needs dollars and a lifestyle as well. Oh well there's the contradiction. No spine. Sermons blah blah.

              • @dealsucker: You mate- need to relax -so much negativity has clouded your ability to think. Calling names and asking others to go to your original home reflects your intolerance to differing opinions. Do Yoga and meditation, it will definitely help. Stay safe

              • +1

                @dealsucker: First you say this to me:

                Open you eyes and more importantly your mind. What is explicit to you is just another form of love making to a same sex couple and you are no one to judge them.

                Then you say this in the very next paragraph:

                And I know everything I need to know about you when you said I am practicing "Brahmin", the so called upper caste and I am sure you enjoy the privilege as well but not here my friend. Here you are just a religions nut job and you might as well go back to your original home. But no, a practicing brahmin needs dollars and a lifestyle as well.

                Either you've got something against Hinduism or Brahmins (you sound like you're an untouchable :D) or you just to get laid with your homosexual partner. Either way just please go away and enjoy your life.

    • Vedic scriptures do not permit same sex marriages. It's black and white on the matter, just like most other religions.

      • nice. love me some legal discrimination

      • Which is exactly why there is no space for religions in 21st century. Hinduism is around 4000 years old. Like who in their right minds would have a moral compass defined by a book written some thousands of years ago and there is no proof that its is written either because it depends on the interpretation from one gen to another, but you cant rebuild a sculpture without destroying it.

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