Cheap printing service for business cards etc

Hi everyone, Im looking for the cheapest quality printing service you know of? I want to get some business cards and A5 leaflets printed for my business (sole trader, just starting out with not alot of money!). Who do you guys recommend?


  • Probably Vistaprint. They have heaps of designs on their website. They get posted from somewhere overseas.

    Don't buy yet though - sign up to their mailing list, and within a day or so, you should receive heaps of offers for free product (just pay shipping)


    250 for free…… ish (pay shipping)…. use a disposable e-mail, or regret it forever…..

    • I suspect that the business cards themselves are quite disposable as well. The free-pay-shipping ones from VistaPrint does not even allow your own design, and they all got VistaPrint ads at the back.

      • the free…ish cards (a good description) are quite ok but yes they have "free cards from vistaprint" or something written on the back, so not the most professional look to be giving out to people.

      • +2

        ahh…. not very impressive for a new business

        The free ones I got from moo are very good…… more expensive, but they seem to have some nice options

        • Yeah thanks for reminder. Much prefer the Moo cards.

  • If you're going w/ Vista Prints - choose light colours!!! They print very dark. I know a few people (myself included) who have business cards from Vista turn out really really dark (illegible!)

    I was always of the opinion free/cheap = best, but recently using Martin Print (they did free stickers here on OB, so I took them up on some magnets and business cards), they're fantastic and even fiddled with the colours a bit to match my text to my logo for free!

  • Thanks for the suggestions. I definitely don't want any free cards if they are going to have advertising on them, I would much prefer to pay to have that removed. Has anyone used Salt Print before? I found them and they look alright -

    • They came up near the top when you google "business card" :)

      I gave them a try when I needed to print my business card last November. I needed it printed in under 7 business days because I had a business event to go to. Well I actually requested to cancel the print 2 days after I send in my creative because I have no idea how long they are going to take with the proof. They did eventually send back the proof — 5 days later. Wasn't going to meet my dead line anyway.

      I ended up going to AstroPrint, which was suggested when the business card topic was last brought up here. They got mine done pretty quickly.

  • I used VistaPrint and paid an extra $7 or so to have the free message on the back removed. So all up it was about $14 for 250 cards.

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