Looks like cheaper than the previous deal.
Lime also available for the same price: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00RWSDXBG/
Looks like cheaper than the previous deal.
Lime also available for the same price: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00RWSDXBG/
I prefer the lemon
Best results when used to wash the dishes but not rise them. Flavours the next meal on the plates smoothly and makes everything smell like lime or lemon regardless of the meal.
Wow. Looks like I buy the stuff they reviewed to be the worst. It seems to also be the cheapest one they reviewed as well. I buy it because it's the cheapest and I usually only use liquid soap to clean the dishes a bit before I load them into the dishwasher. I wonder if it's worth buying the more expensive stuff.
Don't clean them before dishwashing. If anything, clean whatever's left which still needs a scrub AFTER.
Save the effort (and water and soap).
I just have to learn to load the dishwasher with dishes that are a bit dirty I guess. I've always had this thought that the dishes need to go in at least not filthy otherwise the dishwasher won't be able to handle it
@warmfruit: The only time my dishwasher won't clean is when things are too close together and water doesn't go through.
@placard: I'm going to save a lot of time now instead of cleaning the dishes before I load the washer
@warmfruit: Just brush off any chunks, ASAP after eating.
I give anything with loose food (or still wet sauces) a rinse - just two seconds under running water.
The dishwasher is good at its job and it will use the same amount of water and power whether or not you pre-wash.
But don't load things with tonnes of food on them - that just clogs the filter sooner.
The raspberry tastes a lot better but I like to stick with the original
Need to add to cart to get this price. For those who reported expired.
Bought a big bottle of Dawn from Costoc last week much better than Morning Fresh.
Original is $2.89 with S&S
Bought a raspberry on special some time ago and was told in no uncertain terms by my other half not to buy the foul stuff again.
Morning Fresh was half price at Woolworths this week ending tonight. Shopping late pm today I noticed the shelf was empty save for you guessed it, raspberry.
Stick to original flavour or Lemon.
Raspberry is best left to jam.
The deal is gone but if it was ther I Still would have rather used the woolies/coles Essentials branded dishwashing liquid
I find that this doesn't actually clean the dishes or tough fats. The tandill brand from aldi cleans better and is always cheaper and available.
I agree. Power soak and clean version. Rated number one by choice.
Only allows max 1 item for S&S.
Ordered anyway, cheers OP..
No longer available.
Incredibly bad packaging! If there's any two year olds around, I hope those bottles are kept well locked away, because if they get them, they will guzzle it down in 5 secs flat. 😒
Tastes great .