• expired

Amazon Australia 12% Cashback on All Categories (Capped at $20 per Transaction, 4pm-6pm AEST) @ Cashrewards


Edit 2:50pm AEST:

Promo is now capped at $20 per transaction (multiple transactions permitted), each with its own cap.

Hi everyone. This offer has just come through from Amazon, with 12% cashback on every category and capped at $20 per transaction. Enrol in our competition prior to shopping to win cash and gift cards to the value of $2500.

Please read the terms below carefully as it will save a lot of questions. Valid for purchases made from 4:00pm 22/06/21 to 6:00pm 22/06/21 (AEST). Thanks for your support as always. Please stay safe, and enjoy :)

  • During the 2 hour promo, 12% cashback for Amazon Australia is capped at $20 per transaction (multiple transactions permitted). Valid 4:00pm to 6:00pm AEST 22/06/21.
  • Cashback is ineligible on purchase of vouchers, gift cards, kindle unlimited, audible, mobile apps, recurring subscribe & save items (first order is eligible), prime subscriptions.
  • Ensure your Amazon cart is empty before clicking from Cashrewards, as items added prior to clicking will not earn cashback. Items must only be added to cart after clicking from Cashrewards.
  • Purchases paid with gift cards are eligible for cashback. Use of Amazon credit as partial or full payment is ineligible for any cashback.
  • Effective 21/06/21 - Each first (new) order of subscribe & save purchases is eligible for cashback. Recurring orders of the same product are ineligible.
  • You must return and click through from Cashrewards to Amazon every time you make a new transaction/purchase.
  • Cashback is paid on eligible purchases, excluding delivery, taxes & GST.
  • Pre-orders are eligible for cashback only if the item is scheduled to be shipped within 60 days of purchase.

For tracking success, ensure you disable 3rd party plugins (AdBlock, uBlock, Pi-hole, Honey, etc) and VPNs, close any additional browser tabs, and don't click away to other sites looking for codes etc after clicking from Cashrewards as tracking will be lost. And don't forget to refer-a-friend for $10 each - tip: add your code to OzB’s randomiser. Make sure you're subscribed to our newsletter so you don't miss out on all the hot deals coming up this month. Use our Help Centre & Contact form here for any questions or issues.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3763)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

This is part of Amazon Prime Day sale for 2021

Related Stores

Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +33

    Hi all. Please note this promo is now capped at $20 per transaction (not per account) - so multiple transactions are permitted, each with its own cap. Remember to click 'Shop Now' prior to each new transaction. Note also that Amazon tracking takes up to 24 hours to appear in your account. Happy shopping :)

    • +1

      ta TA!

    • +2

      What a legend TA!

      But I still can’t find anything I wanna buy lol

      Spent all my money on yesterday’s deals.

    • Are the products purchased with coupon codes eligible?

  • +24

    was 15% with shopback yesterday

    • +1

      Does it over-ride the the other cash back rates which have higher $ cash back value although lower %? For example a $1000 Camera has 4%?

      • +7

        Just don't buy it between 4pm - 6pm!

        • there's not really anything worth getting so problem solved.

          prime deals have been meh

    • but not on all categories right?

      • +1

        all categories.

    • it was only for an hour. this is for two hours. This seems better imo.

      • +5

        I disagree it is better. This one is capped at $20 max cashback per member account irrespective of the number of transactions made. This restriction wasn't imposed by SB

        During the 2 hour promotional period, 12% cashback for Amazon Australia is capped at $20 in total per member account, irrespective of the number of transactions made

        • with capping imposed you have a better chance of them honoring it. SB's uncapped cashback isn't sustainable and they will probably end up not honoring most of the big ones.
          Source - all my previous SB "upsized" cashbacks - got $0 out of them all even after chasing them for months. No its not a tracking issue, bau nominal cashbacks seem to get tracked fine.

          • @WhatsTheBigDeal: My personal experience says otherwise. An upsized cashback with Sony was declined. It was definitely not on my part, CR sent out an email a couple of days later saying they had an issue with their tracking, requesting proof of purchase. I did, but they never paid out, following up a few time to no avail. I have not lost a big cash back with SB…yet (touch wood).

        • +4

          Now capped at $20 per transaction (see here).

    • +1

      Buy amazon gift card from shopback for 2% cashback and then use that to purchase using cashrewards for 12%. Still not 15% but close.

      Edit: spelling

      • are the gift cards delivered (near) instantly?

        • yes

    • Other change I could see is, shopback had that % per transaction and not per member. Made it better for people buying multiple items in different transactions.

      • +4

        Now capped at $20 per transaction (see here).

        • Perfect!!

  • Hmm. Can use the GC I just bought earlier today….

    • +4

      Please read the terms below carefully as it will save a lot of questions.
      Purchases paid with gift cards are eligible for cashback. Use of Amazon credit as partial or full payment is ineligible for any cashback.

  • Are Prime Exclusive Deal and Lightning Deal prices eligible for cashback?

    • +5

      Yes, it tracked for me. Now waiting for them to honour it in 2 months.

      • 2 months lol, you might be mistaken…

        Purchase - today

        Tracked In - 4 DAYS

        Redeemable In - 120 DAYS

        That's from SB yesterday

        • +1

          I was using CR. Their T&Cs:

          It can take up to seven days for pending cashback to show in your Cashrewards account, then between one and 100 days for retailers to approve your cashback.

          From my experience, it's around 2-3 months depending on the stores. My history shows Amazon cash backs approved in around 2 months (the ones that did get approved!).

          • @Buy2Much: Sounds very much like a made up reply. 👏

            You've got a good memory if you really remember all those details from months ago… Especially about Lightning Deals lol

            • +1

              @nismo: There's a memory bank called Transactions History page :-p

              • @Buy2Much: How do you know it worked on a lightning deal? You wouldn't know from any history in a Cashback site, that was the question from Zeno… 🤦‍♂️

                • +2

                  @nismo: Read again. zeno's question was "Are Prime Exclusive Deal and Lightning Deal prices eligible for cashback?"
                  I made the Lightning purchase yesterday and tracking showed up! Hence my statement "Yes, it tracked for me. Now waiting for them to honour it in 2 months."

                  • -1

                    @Buy2Much: I don't need to read it again champ.

                    The fact that your original reply lacked sufficient detail is what has lead to details (and the original query) being unanswered in full.

                    In my experience and the T&C support this, I do not get Cashback from Amazon in 60 days from CR or anyone.

                    It's definitely closer to the 3+ months stated.

  • great I have 2 things lined up

    • Great I have 3 things lined up

      • +3

        Great I have nothing lined up, but three hours to get 4 things lined up

        • +2

          Great my cart is empty and I've bought everything I want yesterday… I now need to find some useless things to buy at 4pm!

          • +1

            @zzzman: Great I purchased 15 odd things yesterday - and nothing yet today

  • +1

    hopefully i remember to log back in at 4pm

    • +1

      Your phone has more functions than facebook and covid tracking

  • +3

    Thanks TA!

  • +2

    Hopefully I’m awake

  • does this cover the occulus?

    • All categories so yes. It will cap out at $20 though

      • +2

        Now capped at $20 per transaction (see here).

  • +54

    I said it once, and ill say it again. Pro tip:

    Buy each item separately, so if you do need to return something, your whole cashback isn't made invalid.

    • That is a great pro tip, thanks!

    • I did that yesterday with Shopback and only the first of 6 orders tracked.

      • +1

        DW it takes a while. I did 15 orders, none has been tracked yet

        • 3/6 claims tracked. Went to the effort to screenshot, fill out claim forms etc, just to receive rejection email today. What a joke.

    • Wow thanks! Great idea!

  • -3

    now we're talking….save the best for last

    • +1

      How is this better than yesterday's deal which had no restriction on number of transactions?

      During the 2 hour promotional period, 12% cashback for Amazon Australia is capped at $20 in total per member account, irrespective of the number of transactions made

      • +2

        Because yesterday's deal is expired? So if you have more things to buy you can take this deal….. or you can leave it and not get 12%.

        • +1

          mrbillions has indicated this CB deal is the better of all the ones which have already occurred for Prime Day. Which it clearly is not.

          I'm not complaining about 12% though

      • +3

        Because CR actually tracks.

  • +2

    Nice one

  • +2

    Some of the prime day deals are say "Promotion(s) Applied" with a discount at the checkout stage. Will the 12% cashback still be honoured despite the further discount from Amazon?

    • Would love to know this aswell

    • I had an automatic $5 promotional credit applied to my purchase of the belkin powerboard and the rep from Shopback yesterday said it doesn't track.

  • +10

    This deal is a bit disappointing.
    It was 15% yesterday and $20 per transaction…
    I would expect something similar

    • oh, this is per account.

    • +19

      Maybe your definition of disappointing is different to mine….. Why would it be disappointing? it's still more than what's available currently (plus the added benefit of being all categories)… made use of yesterday's, will make use of today's…..all's well!

      One caveat though, my purchase from Amazon has not tracked on Shopback….and I've had historical issues with Shopback. I've had zero issues with cashrewards tracking in the time I've been using.

      • +10

        Used the shopback one yesterday too.. Hasn't tracked yet.. and not sure if it will.. Shopback has always been a bit dodgy for me.

      • +3

        Yeah, I earned around $150 cashback yesterday.
        I guess most of us are disappointed when it's capped $20 per account today
        3% less isn't a big issue to me
        Capped per account hurts

        • +5

          Now capped at $20 per transaction (see here).

      • +5

        same, i'd rather go with half % with cashrewards than shopback. SB has less than a coin flip's success rate of tracking.
        PS: i didn't use SB for a long time because of the tracking issues, in contrast prime day deals with CR have all been tracked as they are supposed to with correct % for each category so far.

    • +2

      Gotta shave the % to pump the flagging share price I suppose!?

      • or you can view it as they're also discounting the share price at the moment? Haha. DYOR

    • Don’t mind 20 per transaction, should be carefully if you are tracked from yesterday’s deal.

    • +5

      Go read yesterday’s 15% deal post. Many people complaining about getting $0 cash back or wrong cashback amount. I’d rather take this 12% cashback offer from CR than competitor’s 15% offer that may only result in failed cash back.

      I have my trust in CR.

      • +1

        It's about the cap, not the %
        Besides I use both CR and SB frequently, both are working perfectly fine for me
        Never need to lodge a missing claim

        I always use chrome on desktop in an incognito tab with ad blockers extension off.

        • +1

          Yeah, I wish it was $20 per transaction rather than per account.

        • Why incognito mode again? Because prices are lower or?

    • +1

      15% and $20 per transactions of 0 transactions recorded is still 0….

  • +17

    This reminds me of that guy who arrives at a party when everybody is already drunk or left…

    • +2

      Well hey, there's still some food and drinks left over. 12% cashback is better than no cashback.

      • +3

        Most of the food and drink is on Subscribe and Save…so after the GST for Cashrewards the cashback is close to 10% anyway.
        S&S is instant cashback, not a 3 month wait. Guaranteed to track and most of my orders will arrive today before this deal even begins.
        But hey…whatever floats your boat 😁

        Edit: Seems S&S is eligible for cashback. Never seen that before 🤔 I will leave with my tail between my legs😅

  • +20

    TBH CR is more reliable than SB, SB is more likely a scam to me, they got commission but you are not paid.

    • +4

      Both are good. Make sure you have ad blockers and such stopped or latest apps

      • +11

        I usually use both app, CR never missed anything but For SB either Cashback is not tracked or rejected after long long wait.

    • +2

      TBH both are more or less the same. I lost a few small cash backs equally on both. However, I never lost a big value cash back from SB. I did however, had a large purchase declined by CR even though I took extra time to make the purchase on a PC browser with their plugin activated and do all the right steps (as I would for larger cash backs).

      • +1

        Same here, I have had large amounts $20+ track to my account but not clear after the specified period and get declined by CR. Lodged an enquiry and they couldn't do anything.

        Oddly enough, despite the complaints on OzB, haven't had an issue with SB. (touchwood)

  • +9

    Oh Thanks Tightarse!

    Nicely squeezed


    • Username checks out

    • +2

      lol, you always brighten up my day Turd :)

  • Hmmm bought a kindle and cover earlier today. Guessing it would be safe to cancel and reorder during this time, it's not like they'd run out of stock…maybe?

    • Well tried my luck, cancelled the previous order and re-ordered. It did say that it was a 'request to cancel' not guaranteed as it was close to shipping but hopefully it all works out. Worst case I can return the unopened one no doubt, Amazon has never given me a problem with that before.

  • +2

    so we all know now who amazon like more between cashback providers :)

    • They give it the arse, literally.

    • Do you really think all cashback promotions are 100% merchant funded? 😉

    • probably also depends on the provider on how much they decide to give back to the customers. For eg: Amazon may have offered 20% for both SB and CR. Difference is SB decided to give back 15% while CR decided to give 12% to their customers.

      I have no idea though, just guessing :)

  • +1

    Are the products purchased with coupon codes eligible ?

  • +8

    Sorry TA, 24 hours too late, I made most of my purchases yesterday

    • Me too…
      I made most last night

    • Cancel and reorder if they are still available.

      • Amazon worked so fast that most of the orders have already been shipped……

        • I have already received some of it lol

    • +1

      If they did it yesterday they would have paid out a lot of cash.. there’s probably a reason they delayed it until today.

      • and we want to know the reason!!! so intrigue…..
        grab popcorn

  • Can I shop in Chrome incognito mode or private browsing for this? Works with Shopback but I can't find the info with CW. Thanks.

  • -6


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