Viofo A129 Plus Duo Dual Dash Cam
Just noticed this as part of Prime Day deals
Update 10:55am: Viofo A129 back in stock as lightning deal and slight price drop from $191.92
Update June 22: Further price drop on Viofo A129 - now $190.32
Viofo A129 Plus Duo Dual Dash Cam
Just noticed this as part of Prime Day deals
Update 10:55am: Viofo A129 back in stock as lightning deal and slight price drop from $191.92
Update June 22: Further price drop on Viofo A129 - now $190.32
Lol just ordered two A119 V3 yesterday on eBay. Time to cancel.
Can’t believe it’s cheaper than yesterday flash sale
It’s showing as $315- do I need Prime to see special pricing?
$315 here too, has been showing that since the lightning sale went OOS
A129 Pro duo shows $315
The pro is also for sale but i think the 4k takes up too much space so 2k is better
Buffered parking mode has been removed in recent firmware on the 2k version
So, do you mean the 2k version could not do parking recording?
Yes, check this .Got the below information from previous deal
Thanks to @TBR77
January 2021 - It has been brought to our attention that the VIOFO A129 Plus and A129 Plus Duo no longer support buffered parking mode recording.
Learn more about these changes on our blog."
More discussion……
@v1nn1e: Thank you for your info. Really helpful.
I am planning to upgrade my A129Duo to A129Pro Duo. Do you know if they using the same wire and connection port? I don't really wanna rewire again.
@Garcia: I read it somewhere that power to the front camera is the same. Also there's an additional power out from the front unit that powers the back unit.
@v1nn1e: Technically, there are still two other parking modes available (time-lapse and low bit rate) so it can still do parking recording, can't it?
(See "parking mode" sections)
yeah that's useful but not sure if worth and extra $70 and halved in allowed space due to 4k
Do you mean the physical unit is bigger, or the fact that it records in 4k takes up too much space on the SD card? If the latter is a concern, you can turn the quality settings down - it's still a by far better quality lens from the reviews I've seen
Can you bring it down to 2K?
As far as I know, it can go even lower than that. I don't own the unit but I've seen reviews on YouTube and there's an option in the menu to change the resolution at which it records.
No wifi on A119? So you can't view footage right away?
So does one get the
A129 Pro?
So many subtle differences and nuances. Google gives a lot of mixed information.
What you you guys think is a good balance between features, quality and vfm?
Wonderful, thank you!
Got these from Taobao for 150$ shipped.
Only allow to cargo ship it :/ and it's taking forever.
Regretting now.
Can the rear camera be used as a reversing camera via the phone app?
Bought the A119 with hardwire kit from… for $158.40
What is the hardwire kit for?
edit: nevermind, its for parking mode to work
Do you only need one SD card for the Duo?
Is the camera built to handle the heat and direct sunlight if i park my car on the side of the road? don't have a garage :-(
Yes, has a capacitor instead of a battery
looks like plus duo is no longer at $191.92. Showing $239.90 for me.
I already have a micro-usb cable run through the roofing of my car for an old dashcam that no longer works, generally speaking could I just buy this dashcam and plug it straight in?
these use mini usb
Oops, I meant mini-USB, that's what I've got in my car. Original question still stands.
I am getting my delivery of a new Rav 4 and any suggestions for a good one please?
A129 Plus Duo
Thanks mate. I did buy it. Do I need to get any additional stuff to install? Any recommendations for an installer in Western Sydney please?
My recommendation is to do it yourself, not that hard really - it should come with a prying / wedge tool to help slide the wires into the side panels of your car etc
Bit nerve racking in the beginning, but once you get started you do finish - just have patience.
Visualise where the cable will go and take it easy.
Youtube is also your friend ;)
Save the $300 on install for something else on OzBargain ;)
Oh, you may want to get that $25 hardwire kit - you will need that if you want it to operate when the vehicle is turned off etc. (saves running down your battery too).
I got some great footage of a car crashing into mine whilst I was having a coffee at a cafe - didn't need to chase him, but I'm glad I got the kit.
Good luck!
Guys can we install it ourself or need to take it to professional?
You can do it yourself, just take your time and watch a youtube video - not that hard really.
Can you help me choose the best SD card please? I am totally noob and no nothing about this kind of things. I have plan to buy this one. or this
they both fine. Bigger the better.
I would get an endurance sd card - in theory they last longer due to being made for sustain writes…
A129 Plus Duo is on lightening deal now only $190.40
Do you have a link for this for this price please?
Finished already. It was lightening deal.
Guys which SD card recommend to get for A129 Plus Duo?
is this gana work and enough?
The endurance series I believe are what's recommended for dashcams
Can anyone recommend or link me to the hardwiring kit? The one on Amazon is from Amazon US. Should I be concerned about compatibility issues?
FYI the link I found for the kit,…
Do you mean we need to buy hadrwiring kit as well? I just bought A129 Plus Duo! :(
It's optional extra if you want to hardwire the camera.
You don't need to hardwire - you can just use a USB outlet (eg from the cigarette port) and still 'hide' the wires.
The benefit of hardwiring is that it allows the camera to keep running while parked (though some small drain on battery), might hide the wires a little better and frees up a USB port.
Personally I don't need recording while parked because I don't use my car very frequently, only on weekends and don't want the battery to constantly drain. I only need the dashcam to run with ACC mode on and I also have multiple USB ports free.
Thanks for information. Yeah me too. I use my car maybe once a week :) Also my car is alwasy parked at my own garage so no harm to it I think :)
Can you help me choose the best SD card please? I am totally noob and no nothing about this kind of things. I have plan to buy this one. or this
how much do these cost to install?
My autoelectrician in Adelaide quoted $260 I think, but I chose to do it myself. Only issue, I got lazy and never did, cables still a-dangling.
how hard is it to hardwire these things?
Not that hard, just time consuming - take your time and follow the instructions, you will be fine.
I'm so disappointed, it doesn't look like there's going to be any kind of Prime day special on the 4k version :(
I'm sitting here with money burning a hole in my pocket ready to buy one, but not for $315
looks like more stock added down from 76% claimed to 51% within a minute
I think people canceled to buy back at 4 using 15% shopback cashback
Would canceling have any negative effect on being able to re-buy during a lighting deal?
I haven’t canceled so it’s saying I’ve already claimed this deal. Just wondering if I cancel will it no allow me to buy again with SB 15% at 4pm.
I have no idea because I did not canceled it. Deal will be finished before the shopback start unless you want to buy this lightening deal…
Awesome, they put the duo plus back in time for the shopback promo
I couldn't find the dam link., :(
hello has this price already changed
Price back to $238…. (nvm, need prime to show the $190)
@TightArse this purchase was rejected - :( was my most expensive one too any ideas why?
Mine arrived today - box was not cellophane wrapped - which I thought was strange for an electronic item such as a camera - anyone else find this?
edit - no trim spludger too which i thought was standard
Wow was waiting for this :) Thanks OP!