I’ve been wondering how many bowling balls does a bowling place usually keep.
Anyone Here Worked in a Bowling Alley before?

Last edited 20/06/2021 - 17:19 by 1 other user
Edit: that was a fast neg; only took 34 seconds
I wonder who it could've been… haha 🤔
I think I know who; colour me unsurprised
None. The people do the bowling?
Did I win sumfink?
Wouldn't that entirely depend on the number of lanes at the particular bowling alley?
Seems like you're more after a formula for the relationship between lanes, balls per lane required, and a statistical analysis of the arm strength of the geographic and socio economic area which the alley resides in.
This will allow you to determine the required number of bowling ball balls and applicable ball weights ensure the answer to your question.
Seems like a pretty decent post graduate study ;)
Does arm strength vary by suburb?
I like how OP so nonchalantly asked this random question instead of telling us about the comp… almost as bad as those people who pretend to participate in the competition referral chain but don't actually use the person above's code…
I have and i answered the question correctly
Wont be sharing the answer though as OP has failed to declare why he was askingHow do you know it's correct?
From their Facebook page:
Just be the first to correctly answer this question in the comments below: How many bowling balls are there at Zone Bowling Woodville?If you answered correctly, the competition would be over already!
I used to… never counted them, but lots..
Count the number of males and multiply by two.
No, but I lived in a single room above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley.
I would think that they keep them all - hard to hide them if you want to steal them.
Yes, it was my dream job, but then my wife unexpectedly fell pregnant with our third child and I needed to find a means of bringing in more income, so I went back to my previous job at the local nuclear power plant.
Isn't that the question Timezone is asking in a current competition here?
Edit: that was a fast neg; only took 34 seconds