I thought this story was worthy of a discussion topic of its own rather than just a comment on this deal.
The focus of this post is more about the customer service aspect of my experience and how to navigate in this retail market.
Over the past few years I have lamented over how customer loyalty and good will have gone out the window - as consumers we increasingly care less about good service and just want the best price, and retailers care less about us as consumers/people and providing a good service and just want to make a sale.
I was rather bitter that I had spent an hour on the computer trying to secure one of those canon 550d's.
I wrote a polite and constructive email explaining my frustration and offered them some advice on how better to market their deals - sometimes great deals can do more harm than good for your PR (eg COTD at times).
As well as taking the criticism to heart I was hoping they would take pity on me (and show some appreciation for constructive feedback) and offer me something close to the deal I had missed - as a way of keeping me as a customer happy and creating good PR for themselves.
the emailing went back and forth and was rather generic…
so I sent them this…
"I think sending a generic email which makes no reference to anything I said is worse than sending no response at all…
Why not include 1 sentence about the unexpected high volume of customers trying to get the camera…
Do you want me as a customer in the future?
Businesses complain that customers are no longer loyal… I would argue that businesses aren't looking after their customers.
Hypothetical… You sympathise with me that I missed out and wasted an hour of my time, and you appreciate that I took the time to provide constructive polite feedback, so you offer me the deal I missed (or as close as you can - shops do deals all the time). I end up thrilled that you have taken the time / effort to look after me so I go onto a bunch of online forums an tell my story…and in the future I come back to you for more..
Those who want cheap grey imports with no customer service… Well there's probably nothing you can do to win them over… But ppl like me are waiting for Australian companies to put there hand up and look after us in return for our loyalty…
In any event… I think I'm going to stick to a franchised bricks and mortar store if this is the sort of response I get when I try to make an effort.
Nothing against you personally … Just disappointed that even to local companies I am disposable as a customer"
Their response was swift and to the point - we'll give you the deal you missed.
Will I go back to DSE?? - absolutely - even if I had to pay a few dollars more - I am looking for a company who I can create a relationship with - and I would certainly try and push through any red tape to continue dealing with the same person who I dealt with over the last couple of days.. though this can be tough in a big online shop with many employees and a high turnover rate..
I think shops have lost faith in us as consumers - they know we are more fickle than ever and will consider moving our business wherever the best deal is on any particular day… but I think if we push (in a polite way) and try and encourage businesses to have a little more faith in us as consumers then we can actually try and reclaim some lost territory.
It also illustrates the point "if you don't ask, you don't get!