Mixing Multiple Inputs to a Headset

Hey, I've been getting back into online gaming with a group of friends during lockdown. I'm mostly on XB1, they're a mix of PC and PS. We're all using Discord for voice chat and I'm trying to find a cost effective way or using a single headset for both game audio and Discord via mobile phone.

I've got XB stereo chat headset and don't really want to go buy a new headset if I can avoid it. I tried one of the Bionik chat mixers (link) on sale at EB and it was absolutely useless. Worked fine for a single source but microphone wouldn't even send a signal as soon as I had 3.5mm and BT connected.

As far as I can tell my only options are to grab a new headset ($$$) or to kludge something together with a bunch of adapters:

                       Mic ------------\
                     /                  \
Mob > TRRS Splitter                      TRRS Combiner > Headset
                     \                  /
                      LR               /
                        \             /
                         Stereo Mixer
Xbox > TRRS Splitter  

Hoping somebody has a simpler/cheaper idea?


  • I threw together a cheapie passive mixer for a project once for a "2-input-1-output" (2 audio outputs, 1 set of headphones) which was simply a dual-channel potentiometer in-between the 2 outputs feeding into 1 output jack. In the end I don't touch the dial so fixed R would've worked well enough I guess. It's not "ideal" for the equipment or quality but it was good enough for me. The music still sounded like music in my situation.

    Your diagram would be what I would build. As for cost effectiveness depends on what parts you have I guess. Pretty sure TRRS splitters or at least LR+Mic splitters are cheaper to get from AliEx or whatever than making your own. Or if you care how the end product looks lol. I've got a basic 3.5mm stereo input toggle switcher in a plastic sauce container on my home desk :P.

    • That's sort of what I was thinking, unless I can find a better solution it's a matter of weighing up the annoyance of a bunch of cables and adapter hooked up to my controller and phone whenever I want to chat…. or the pain of splashing out $150 for the new Xbox wireless headset. That's the cheapest I've been able to find that does dual simultaneous audio. Could be a good tax deduction for WFH :P

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