Picking up a new work laptop before financial year and wondering if anyone has seen any decent gift card or cash back incentives?
Laptop Deals with Cash Back or Other Incentives

sheepdog on 17/06/2021 - 22:47
Last edited 22/06/2021 - 21:12 by 1 other user
Last edited 22/06/2021 - 21:12 by 1 other user
There is a generic 11th Gen i5/i7 Intel Cashback @
https://www.intelcashback.com.au/FAQ and Participating Retailers @
https://www.intelcashback.com.au/faqsLegend, will look into it, thanks.
I've seen some.
Care to share?
M1 MBA is the best you can buy at the moment (price/performance), on sale can get for around $1350. You get 1 year free Apple TV at the moment. Use discounted gift cards to get the price down a bit more.
Looking for something more powerful, budget can be higher.
Amex had HP and Dell statement credits.
My olds need one too, interested to see.