I am working with a 6 year old who has a few challenges. Quite often (when distressed), loud noises bother him too much. Occupational Therapist suggests using of noise cancelling headphones. Unable to decide if the parents need to keep buying some cheap headphone every 6 months or buy a good one to last a bit. Any advice?
Any recommendations for a noise cancelling headphone please? Will be used in school when it gets noisy, in recess and after school care. I have let him use my Bose QC 35 headphones on a few indoor occasions which help him a little bit - I don't think headphones like the QC 35 will reasonably block out a class full of loud year 1 kids (and are fairly expensive). I think the recommended
headphones will have to be sturdy and battery operated as, in class we could just expect him to put them on and block out the noise - but should be able to use them when home watching a movie. Any wireless headphones that just play whitenoise?
Ear plugs seem to be the best option to me - but I wanted to find out if there are other options before recommending this.
Sony do have some decent noise cancelling headphones that are more affordable than the XM3/XM4s. A Sony H900N (or CH710N) for example can be had for sub-$200 and has great battery life. I used a H900N for a long time and was quite happy with it. What device will they be using it with?