ACCC took action against Digidirect (DD). Wonder how DD will approach their future sales. Hopefully other stores learn from this as well as other stores such as Ananconda, 99bikes, Spotlight etc. can stop their inflated RRP and suddenly have a "40% off sale" by being a member that cost nothing to join…
digiDIRECT Finally Gets Punished for "Storewide" Sale
Last edited 15/06/2021 - 21:57 by 1 other user
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yea the fines needs to be more substantial to deter dodgy practices.
I'll be happy when ebay cops it.
yep same. Price jacking then get a discount. Scumbags. I stopped using ebayplus for this reason.
That's not going to happen because eBay is a marketplace. Do we fine the building owners of the stores digiDirect rent from because they're enabling them to do business? Do we fine Facebook because they allowed them to advertise on their platform? No. For eBay the individual stores must be find for doing price jacking and all that, which they have in the past.
Well ebay could just show historical price in the last 30 days of said product… but they dont.
Wonder if Pushys is reading this.
I'm surprised they went after such a small retailer. ACCC really sticking it to the big baddies out there.
thats ACCC lol
they dont atack the big end of town
they cant win
great success
Gee 39k… what a massive fine, that'll learn em … /sarcasm
Digidirect have been a real pain with having sales and then after purchasing emailing me to say they don't have stock or that it's delayed by 7-14 working days.
They need to clearly advertise when things are back ordered.
I think kogan has this included in their marketing budget.