• expired

$5 Bonus Cashback on $50 Gift Card Purchase via Portal @ Cashrewards (Includes Coles, eBay, Kogan, Myer / Activation Required)


Hi everyone. Another fantastic bonus for all our members.

The $5 bonus will show as pending in your Cashrewards account immediately upon activation of the offer (no confirmation email is sent). This will be automatically approved within 7 days of any associated qualifying purchase being approved (as per the terms of the store). Please ignore the bonus estimated approval date in your account as this is simply a placeholder. Most gift card purchases are approved within 5 days of purchase.

Please read the terms below carefully - it will save a lot of questions. Ensure you activate the bonus prior to shopping. Once activated, shop as normal via the 'Shop Now' button on Cashrewards. Valid for purchases made from 10am 15/06/21 to 11:59pm 15/06/21 (AEST). Thanks for your support as always. Please stay safe, and enjoy :)

Find our gift card page here with up to 6% cashback on gift cards. We've recently added four new cards - Splurge, Indulge, Thrill, and Coles. The cashback rate for Coles is small for now, however the bonus still represents a 10% saving on a $50 gift card (nothing to sneeze at). Coles & Foot Locker gift cards are for in-store redemption only (not online). Note that some GCs are limited in stock for this promo, so first in, best dressed.

$5 Bonus Promo Terms:

  • To be eligible for the AUD $5 bonus, first activate the promotion via the main link in this post, then shop as normal via the Gift Cards Page on Cashrewards.
  • Transaction must be made between 10:00AM AEST 15/06/2021 and 11:59PM AEST 15/06/2021.
  • Gift card purchases are available only via desktop or mobile browsers. They are not yet available via the Cashrewards App.
  • Bonus is eligible when making a qualifying gift card purchase of AUD $50 or more in a single transaction.
  • Bonus will be added automatically to your Cashrewards account as pending upon activation of this offer. Bonus will be approved within 7 days of any associated qualifying purchase being approved, as per the terms of the store.
  • Bonus is over and above the advertised cashback rates which still apply to the transaction.
  • Bonus is limited to one per Cashrewards account. Additional transactions do not qualify for additional bonuses.
  • Bonus is ineligible if an order is cancelled, changed, returned, rejected, or if you purchase an ineligible product.
  • Ensure you review all terms and conditions of the gift card prior to finalising your order.
  • Fraudulent activity will result in rewards being forfeited and accounts closed.

True Rewards Contact Details:

For queries regarding the purchase of your Digital Gift Card, contact True Rewards on 1800 850 739 Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) 9am to 5pm AEST, or email [email protected]

For tracking success, ensure you disable 3rd party plugins (AdBlock, uBlock, Pi-hole, Honey, etc) and VPNs, close any additional browser tabs, and don't click away to other sites looking for codes etc after clicking from Cashrewards as tracking will be lost. And don't forget to refer-a-friend for $10 each - tip: add your code to OzB’s randomiser. Make sure you're subscribed to our newsletter so you don't miss out on all the hot deals coming up this month. Use our Help Centre & Contact form here for any questions or issues.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3762)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    For those that may have concerns re the security of credit/debit card details, I’ll leave this comment here for reference. Thanks again, and have a great week ahead :)

    Your card details are never linked/stored on Cashrewards - once you click 'Shop Now', everything happens at True Rewards.

    To unlink your card from True Rewards, (1) go to payment for another gift card, (2) go to checkout - just before hitting pay you will see your card details, (3) click the bin icon and it will be removed.

    • When I go to checkout I have no payment details, not any ability to add payment details. Weird

      • +3

        Please give True Rewards a call. They're very helpful :)

        For queries regarding the purchase of your Digital Gift Card, contact True Rewards on 1800 850 739 Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) 9am to 5pm AEST, or email [email protected]

    • After charging $1 to verify the credit card details, when do we get the $1 back?

      • I got mine back a week later last time.

      • +2

        It remains pending for a few days, then drops off your acct.

      • +2

        It's pretty standard (though usually they make it a smaller amount). Sometimes they can even verify with a $0.00 purchase.

        If you are using a credit card, then it is just a hold on the small part of your limit for a week. So it does not tie up your actual money (which would be the case with a debit card).

      • Look up card pre-auth.

  • +6

    Yay Coles is back!

  • +1

    Happy birthday! 🎂

  • +2

    Coles as usual. Thanks TA !

  • +1

    Thanks TA. Bought Coles as usual.

  • +6

    Cheers TA. Activated> Bought coles GC> Bonus and std cashback has already tracked. Seamless!

  • +2

    Received email and bought Coles gift card.

    If you want Coles, buy it ASAP.

    • Can we use this to buy MasterCard tomorrow at Coles? If there’s any left tomorrow morning I mean.

      • Depends on the gift card you purchase and the store.

        Saying that they will not accept part payment so you must use the gift card to pay for the master card in full.

        • Cool thanks! Was thinking about the 10% off promo at Coles tomorrow but there’s only $100/$250 ones.

  • +1

    Is the 3 month Xbox Game Pass GC just standard Game Pass or is it Game Pass Ultimate?

  • Does this offer include Gift Cards? ;-)

    • +3

      you're funny

    • Gift cards from the link was provided only

  • Got it!

  • +1

    Tracked straight away, thanks TA!

  • After I click "Checkout Now" I get a screen telling me to accept T&C but no way of purchasing :s

    Is there a way of editing payment details for the gift cards?

    • There's a little square at the start of the line to tick for the t&cs. Maybe try clicking randomly at the very start of the line incase it's not loading properly and see if it will let you proceed. It's fine for me, loaded properly and I just bought a coles card.

  • +3

    I would buy so many of these if Amazon was available lol

  • +1

    Thanks TA! Another great deal from cashrewards

  • +1

    I though everyone would be busted from Ebay cards after the Afterpay deal . :)

    • +1

      Same, just loaded up on some more lol

  • +1

    LOL more GC, thanks TA

  • +1

    Thanks once again TA! Bought a $50 Coles eGift card.

  • The part where they send $1 or similar to your card which you then have to submit a code to be able to get the gift card never every appears on my card for me to confirm. Sigh….

    • +3

      Are you using 28 Degrees? If so, use their app :)

      • same problem with Anz.

      • No I'm not but thanks anyway :)

  • +1


  • +2

    Cashback tracked immediately

  • I contacted True Rewards but they say my issue is with my banks despite my banks confirming the issue is not with them. They are sending me 1 digit confirmation code that isn't valid, True Rewards thinks my banks are truncating the description but they are not. Been months and more than a dozen banks and I've yet to sort it out.

  • +1

    Do you guys ever struggle to get the Coles gift card to scan at checkout? Always end up wasting ages having to ask the checkout helper to key in the whole thing. They even told me to print it out next time.

    • +3

      I find adding to Google pay working fine.

      • Do you need to manually punch the number into google pay?

        • +2

          There's a link when you open the email and click to open to page to add directly to Google pay.

    • +9

      If the register has a separate scanner for flybuys cards, use that one instead. They tend to work better at reading barcodes on phones.

    • +6

      What I find works best is add the eGiftcard card number to the Stocard app and then scan the barcode using the small FlyBuys scanner next to the register (not the item scanner). The Stocard app automatically turns on the phone screen to max brightness when the card is selected. Works every time.

    • +4

      Use the little scanner at the side usually near the credit card pinpad, make sure your phone brightness is up high. Sometimes I find you have to put your phone further back than expected as the little scanner points backwards sometimes rather than straight down. But basically now after a few times of doing it I can get it working easily every time now and usually quicker than WW which sometimes I have to wipe their glass to get it to scan.

      • If I recall the little scanner is fixed in this little bracket thing and it's really hard to position the phone to line up with the red beam. Any tips?

        WW I never have issues with.

        • +2

          I have my phone about 10cm below the scanner and like I say put your phone further back than you would expect, ie push it further back past the middle of the scanner.
          I struggled at the start but now seem to get it first time everytime now I've worked out that rough position.

        • +1

          Move the bar code closer to the top of the phone. I had the exact same issue as you when I bought coles gift card on suncorp and where they appear on the screen by default, I now just move it up closer to the top of the phone screen and it now works everytime on first try.

    • I use Samsung Pay and scan in the barcode in the gift card email and name the card in Samsung Pay as Coles$50PINXXXX

      Make sure you have a clean and clear screen protector when scanning at Coles and it's not on the lowest screen brightness.

    • +1

      Don't print it out. Printed copies often smudge and are a pain to scan.
      Add it to stocard or similar card app. Really easy to scan.
      I usually change the description to have date bought, pin and remaining balance to keep track of which card is which.

      • Is stocard safe to use?, any others better?

        I assume this is the right link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.stocard.sto…
        Using Android 8 on Sony XZ1 Compact atm.


        • +1

          I’ve used it for years and no issues.
          They make their money from advertising. There’s an offers tab with catalogues and everyone and then I get a banner for a store dividing up my cards. Nothing too irritating.
          They also sell discounted cards in the app too now.
          You can set up an account to backup your cards but you don’t have to.
          Yes that’s the right link

          • @DoaAn: Thanks for the reply.
            Just wanted to make sure I got the right app, too many similar app names.

    • does brightening the screen help?

  • +31

    Nice one TA - I've added to the Bonus Cashback Master Thread

    Here are the effective discount on all gift cards which also highlights the higher discount when the 'swap' cards (in bold) include those stores

    Gift Cards

    Gift Card Standard Discount Denomination Cost (inc. bonus cashback) Effective Discount Notes
    Splurge 4.50% $50 $42.75 14.5%
    Nine West 4.50% $50 $42.75 14.5%
    Seed Heritage 4.50% $50 $42.75 14.5%
    Sheridan 4.50% $50 $42.75 14.5%
    Dusk 4.50% $50 $42.75 14.5%
    French Connection 4.50% $50 $42.75 14.5%
    Indulge 4.00% $50 $43.00 14.0%
    Drummond Golf 4.00% $50 $43.00 14.0%
    Hoyts 3.50% $50 $43.25 13.5%
    Thrill 3.50% $50 $43.25 13.5%
    Luxury Escapes 3.50% $50 $43.25 13.5% Purchase Indulge GC instead
    Good Food 3.50% $50 $43.25 13.5% Purchase Indulge GC instead
    Endota Spa 3.50% $50 $43.25 13.5% Purchase Splurge GC instead
    Footlocker 3.50% $50 $43.25 13.5% Purchase Splurge GC instead
    Bonds 3.00% $50 $43.50 13.0% Purchase Splurge GC instead
    Harvey Norman 3.00% $50 $43.50 13.0% Purchase Thrill GC instead
    Accor Hotels 3.00% $50 $43.50 13.0% Purchase Indulge GC instead
    Webjet 3.00% $50 $43.50 13.0% Purchase Indulge GC instead
    Forever New 3.00% $50 $43.50 13.0%
    Xbox 3.00% $50 $43.50 13.0% Purchase Thrill GC instead
    PlayStation Store 3.00% $50 $43.50 13.0% Purchase Thrill GC instead
    Binge 2.50% $50 $43.75 12.5% Purchase Indulge GC instead
    Kayo Sports 2.50% $50 $43.75 12.5% Purchase Thrill GC instead
    Kobo 2.50% $50 $43.75 12.5%
    Dymocks 2.50% $50 $43.75 12.5%
    Kogan 2.00% $50 $44.00 12.0% Purchase Thrill GC instead
    Myer 2.00% $50 $44.00 12.0%
    Google Play 2.00% $50 $44.00 12.0%
    iSubscribe 2.00% $50 $44.00 12.0%
    Kathmandu 2.00% $50 $44.00 12.0%
    Rentacar 2.00% $50 $44.00 12.0%
    Sephora 2.00% $50 $44.00 12.0%
    TripGift 2.00% $50 $44.00 12.0%
    Witchery 2.00% $50 $44.00 12.0% Purchase Splurge GC instead
    Lorna Jane 2.00% $50 $44.00 12.0% Purchase Splurge GC instead
    Choice 1.50% $50 $44.25 11.5%
    DoorDash 1.50% $50 $44.25 11.5%
    Gourmet Traveller 1.50% $50 $44.25 11.5%
    Riot League of Legends 1.50% $50 $44.25 11.5%
    Barbeques Galore 1.00% $50 $44.50 11.0% Purchase Choice GC instead
    eBay 1.00% $50 $44.50 11.0% Purchase Choice GC instead
    Uber Eats 1.00% $50 $44.50 11.0% Purchase Choice GC instead
    Uber 1.00% $50 $44.50 11.0% Purchase Choice GC instead
    Coles 0.10% $50 $44.95 10.1%
    PlayStation Plus 12 Months 3.00% $79.95 $72.55 9.3%

    Other Gift Cards (less than $50 denomination)

    Gift Card Standard Discount Denomination Cost
    Xbox Live 6 Month Membership 6.00% $49.95 $46.95
    Xbox 3 Month Game Pass 6.00% $47.95 $45.07
    PlayStation Plus 3 Months 3.00% $33.95 $32.93
    Xbox Live 3 Month Membership 6.00% $29.95 $28.15

    Note: entering your mobile number when purchasing will incur a $0.50 SMS fee

    • +2

      I thought it said it was a 10c fee this time?

    • +4

      Cheers buddy. Just fyi, True Rewards has reduced the SMS fee to $0.10. There's also the following new cards added:

      • Global Hotel Card
      • Global Experiences Card
      • Best Beauty & Wellness Card
      • Best Restaurants Card
    • +1

      I'm not seeing the Google Play Gift cards anywhere?

      • +1


  • +1

    Thanks TA, picked up a Coles GC.

  • +5

    No google play still?

  • +1

    Thanks TA. Got Coles GC

  • The Thrill gift card doesn’t seem to have Harvey Norman when I try to swap gift, is this normal?

    • Doesn't seem right

      There's 9 to choose from: Hoyts, Playstation, Xbox, Kogan, Harvey Norman, Kayo, Foot Locker, Drummond Golf, Kathmandu.

    • +2

      Hi. Just tested and there's definitely denominations of $50, $100, $250 & $500 for Harvey Norman to swap out from Thrill. Can you please confirm. Thanks!

      • +2

        Oh my I got the $30 instead. Argh!

  • +1

    Thanks TA. Bought Coles GC.

  • +4

    Thanks for the bonus TA.

    Has anyone used the True Rewards app to store/tracks these gift cards. Starting to accumulate a few!
    (I've said it before and I'll say it again…I wish Coles had a Money app!)

    • Do you see the updated gift card balance in TR app? Or just gift cards purchased thru ? Mine the balance is not updated .

      • Just signed up, and I can't even log into their app.

  • Amazon :(

  • +2

    Coles gift card is giving same issue before….clicking on shop now nothing happens. Not sure abt other gift cards

  • @TA, shop now, nothing happens again. That's 3 out of 3 last promo.

    • +2

      Yep, True Rewards has been OzBargain'd again. Please be patient, they're aware of the issue.

      • -1

        Coles giftcards not working, click on shop now nothing happens.

        • +2

          Yes, we know. As above, please be patient. True Rewards is investigating.

  • +3

    Shop now button for coles gift cards is not working

    • +2

      it's not working for me either.

  • +3

    same here…nothing happens after clicking on Coles GC "Shop Now" button

    • not working for me either

  • +8

    12:05pm: The True Rewards website is experiencing a heavy load of traffic and 'Shop Now' is currently not working. Please be patient while they attempt to fix this. Thank you.

    • Looks like True Rewards is not geared up to handle the volume of the transaction.

      • +7

        Update 12:50pm: True Rewards has confirmed the issue with traffic is resolved. Please comment if you're still experiencing a problem. Apologies on their behalf :)

        • +2

          working and got a Coles GC. Thanks TA!

          • +2

            @zooter: Thanks for the confirmation :)

        • +2

          The True Rewards is back! Thanks for the heads up, TA.

  • Thank you. Bought a $50 Coles gift card.

  • +1

    TA when I click on SHOP NOW on Coles GC it dose nothing. Can you please check? Site getting hammer?

    • +4

      Please try again, as the issue appears to be resolved by True Rewards.

      • +2

        Thanks TA. Working and tracked :)

    • +3

      seems to be working now for me at 12.44pm

      • +1

        yes, it worked for me and I bought a Coles gift card. Money was deducted from my account but the page is still loading so I haven't received the gift card yet. However Cashrewards also tracked my purchase so hopefully it will be coming shortly…

        • +1

          Can confirm it works again. My gift card has arrived and transaction tracked in CR

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