This was posted 3 years 8 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

15% off @ Xbox Gear Shop


Currently Xbox has a claw machine due to E3.

The prizes include 12 month Xbox Game Pass codes, 3 month Xbox Game Pass codes and 15% off the Xbox Gear Shop.

The code is universal and not unique.

Try it yourself. 404

If you don't get anything just refresh and try again :)

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closed Comments

  • Interesting you have 3 rounds, but you can keep refreshing for another 3 rounds. I got the same 15% off code on my second round of 3 so guessing there are unlimited chances for the other prizes as well?

    • +3

      Yeah, you can just keep refreshing. I did it for about 30 minutes on 5 tabs and just kept getting the 15% off code.

      • So basically, there's no better prizes?

      • Sounds like your prizes have already been allocated. Refreshing it isn't giving you new chances.

  • +6

    The following prizes will be awarded:
    Seven (7) First Prizes. Each first-place winner will receive:
    A twelve (12)-month Game Pass Membership. Approximate Retail Value (ARV) $179.99 USD.
    Seventy (70) Second Prizes. Each second-place winner will receive:
    A three (3)-month Game Pass Membership. Approximate Retail Value (ARV) $44.99 USD.
    Ten-Thousand (10,000) Third Prizes. Each third-place winner will receive:
    A fifteen percent (15%) discount for one (1) order at the Xbox Gear Store. Approximate Retail Value
    (ARV) $0.00USD.

    • Gee, that's not many at all for any of the meaningful prizes for a world-wide event.

    • +1

      How do you judge first/second/third on a claw machine?

      • It's not a real claw machine. It's just a random chance button that uses the animation of a claw machine.

  • +4

    So the most game pass you can buy is 3 months for $47.95? After 15% off that becomes $40.76 or $13.59 a month. That doesn't seem that great… Hopefully some ozbargainers get the free game pass.

  • dammit I have 2 years for this locked in lol so I can't do this .

  • Can I store this 3 months subscription? Got an active one from the $1 initial offer.

  • +3

    Not sure if you can get anything besides the 15% off code, tried like 30 times

  • +1

    Whats the cheapest way to get gamepass for a year? Have used the $1 offer but not subscribed to anything else.. new to this

    • +1

      Go to Eneba, they have cheap game pass codes. I believe it's around 1 euro per week, so around 6-7 dollars per month if you stack their code

  • +1

    The claw machine doesn't seem to like mobile. Nothing happens when I press it. Oh well, it's just going to give me the same code anyway.

  • its scarily realistic… the claw picks up a prize n drops it instead of giving you a win - and 8/10 you get nothing…

  • +1

    This code isn't even valid for Game Pass, it's for Xbox apparel and merch

    • doesnt everyone want a Xbox 20th Anniversary Personalized Mug for 15% off.?

  • +1

    After 10mins running 10 tabs at a time, I quit after the 50th or so "15% code". As previously mentioned it's cheaper to use their $1 deal for first 3 months (if that's still running)

  • +10

    Their api url if you cant be bothered waiting for the animation 😉

  • I am so out of the loop can someone please point me to the current cheapest way to get 3yrs of game pass never used it before.

    • +1

      This still works with expired accounts (accounts with no game pass or Gold)

      Worked just the other day with Brazilian Xbox Gold 12 months from cdkeys. 3 years for effectively $160ish

      • thanks

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