Just noticed that woolies have hiked the price of mineral water from 70c to $1. Aldi have raised by similar percentage too and assume Coles have as well. Anyone know why it got such a large hike (percentage-wise)?
Mineral Water Price Hike

California's drought.
It is product of Australia. Or do you mean they are shipping it to USA?
If only there was a cheaper alternative that was super high quality and as easy as turning on a tap.
You forgot the /s.
I would if my tap water didn't smell like a swimming pool…
But will it kill you?
Vodka also doesn't kill you, but if you drink it every single day, you won't live too long… or at least not comfortably.
Lol, thanks for the medical advice, Dr.
Story was great up until the first comma, then it kind of lost the plot.
@bamzero: They didn't even point out that water is often found close to the core of nuclear reactors.
@ Forkinhell, I think @pharkurnell would like to have a chat about your user name.
Super easy to fix. A tiny amount of ascorbic acid (pure Vitamin C) will neutralise chlorine almost immediately. It's a trick I use when brewing beer. Ascorbic acid completely eliminates both chlorine and chloramine and prevents the formation of chlorophenols which negatively affect the flavour of beer.
You only need about 100-200mg for 35L of water. For a typical drink bottle, you only need about as much as what will stick to the tip of a dry butter knife. Not even enough to taste it.
In Adelaide??? It doesn't exactly rain down like mana from heaven…
Price out their label competitors then hike it once they are gone (or consumers are used to the housebrand label and I guess cope with rise).
Cause they can and you can't do anything about it….remember how they raised milk prices for draught relief….you can still see the draught relief milk and the prices at these super stores….
I thought that was why they raised the beer prices.
Well I did do something. I installed my zip tap which has CO2.
In NSW the Aldi 70c was before the intro of the return and earn years ago and is not 95c. 10c of this is the return and earn price. The rest is probably due to sugar price increase and other increase in costs as well as CPI.
Yes all that sugar in the mineral water…
Return and earn is 18c in NSW
Where can I get 18c? Please post official URL for the 18c.
The deposit is 18c the refund is 10c
@Stewardo: Please post details of where you got the 18c from as I can only find 1 to 3 cents extra depending on the age of the articles I have been able to find, which is no where near the 8c you are quoting.
I believe this is the cost to the manufacturer as they must pay for the deposit (10c) and implementation costs (~4-8c)
I still don't get why water, something freely available in waterways and our taps is literally more expensive than petrol, which costs billions to mine out and process.
Just goes to show you can slap a label on anything and people will buy it.
FWIW if you're buying mineral water money's hardly an issue.
It's the time honoured thing of tricking idiots into thinking something is better via marketing.
Such as the Liberal Party for example.
I don't know about mineral water exactly, but I can definitely taste the difference between tap water (doesn't matter which state) and bottle water/water fountains.
It's much easier to drink 8L of water that taste better.I guess thats the trade off.
some people spend money on more expensive wine and vodka because it tastes better.
Mineral water is the same.Only thing is wine and vodka doesn't come out of a tap though…
All the more reason to get a SodaStream and just carbonate tap water. It tastes very similar for us and with the price increase, the payback period will be shorter.
Yep I had a zip tap in storage but needed to make some major changes to the kitchen to get it in. But that's done now so I'm no longer buying bottles.
You’d think at the rate polar ice caps are melting it’d be getting cheaper!
Shipping rates are higher.
The retailers are pricing in the next inflation increase.
Fiat is losing its value more and more every day. Don't be the last one to do something about it.
just make carbonated water at home.
Cause they can