Recommendations for a "Punches above Its Price Range" Laptop (Budget $700)

Looking for a laptop for parents ~$700 - mostly just looking for good performance for word processing, general browsing, and a decent display (if possible). Don't mind if it is new or refurbished.


  • +2

    Dell outlet store.

    There are discount going on at the moment. Several laptops under $700 with decent specs and 14 inch screen. Can get external monitor for resonaable price if needed too.ā€¦

    Get the on-site extended warranty from Dell too if you purchase from there.

    Can also consider tablets - they may be preferable for seniors due to their portability.

    Edit: Microsoft has a deal on Surface Laptop Go ($748). 13 inch screen. - [Ignore this as it's for the 4GB RAM model which is shit]

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